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FAC how to replace moderator

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I am not clear about how firearms get bought and sold and documented on the FAC.


Specifically moderators - technically they seem to be classed as firearms (sometimes).


If I have a SAK moderator listed on my FAC for use with an HMR and the moderator starts to get chewed up by the hot gasses how do I go about (officially) disposing of the old SAK and buying a new one or possibly another make?


In reality, it is easiest to pop along to the gun shop and buy a new SAK declaring that it is for an air rifle so no hassle and no paperwork. Get home, throw the old one away, job done.


What if the FAC specifically lists "SAK" and you buy another make? Does that become a "variation" and cost time and money?


Can I sell / give my old moderator to the 18 year old next door who genuinely wants it for his air rifle?


With most rimfire moderators being interchangeable with air rifle moderators the law is a bit of an ass here.

Edited by dadioles
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I had a similar problem before xmas my mod broke on my 223.So when i was getting some barrel work done and wanted to buy a new moderator at the gunshop they said you are meant to re apply and explain to the fac hq. So i gave them a call and yes you have to put in for a variation and explain in writing what you want to do i also stated my present moderator was broken and they were ok about it and now its all done and fixed. But it could be different on a rimfire just give your local office a call if your not sure.

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On a legal standpoint you do have to put in for a variation,but,it would be a one for one and as such it won't cost you anything.But,if you were to give your Sak to your mate and go and buy a new one from the RFD,it wouldn/shouldn't be a problem as they aren't numbered.To be above the law though,just give the FEO a ring bud.




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I don't want to hijack the thread but what happens if on your ticket it states .22rf and then says +mod as opposed to having a mod listed as another entry with its own id number? In this case can you surrender the mod you have to a gun shop and buy another from them without a variation?

cheers Adam

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  On 20/03/2011 at 11:52, Adam16 said:

I don't want to hijack the thread but what happens if on your ticket it states .22rf and then says +mod as opposed to having a mod listed as another entry with its own id number? In this case can you surrender the mod you have to a gun shop and buy another from them without a variation?

cheers Adam



It should be listed seperately, a Mod on a Firearm is a Firearm in it's own right and gets it's own entry. You can swap a 1 for 1 Moderator, for a rifle, on a free variation.


If it were listed as part of a rifle you are stuck, but I do understand the odd FAC tool may well have a FIXED moderator, so may just be listed in the way you mention! :hmm::thumbs:

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It should be listed seperately, a Mod on a Firearm is a Firearm in it's own right and gets it's own entry. You can swap a 1 for 1 Moderator, for a rifle, on a free variation.


If it were listed as part of a rifle you are stuck, but I do understand the odd FAC tool may well have a FIXED moderator, so may just be listed in the way you mention! :hmm::thumbs:


Ok thanks for that, I doubt i'll be looking to change it any time soon but thats kind of cleared it up. I'll check with my FLO before doing anything though.

Cheers Adam

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Thank you everyone for the tips. I had not realised that you could have a "free" variation if it is simply a swap, like for like.


Now I know what the possible answers are, I know what questions to ask. (so often the way).


A quick search on google came up with this (from Durham) which makes it clear. I have copied it here in case it helps anyone else.



Variation of a Firearm Certificate

Once a firearm certificate has been granted, variations as to the firearms and ammunition currently authorised may, on the application of the holder, be made by the Chief Officer of Police of the area in which the holder resides.


The same blue Form 101 as for the grant of a firearm certificate should be used. The certificate holder must submit his current firearm certificate, along with his completed Form 101, and where appropriate, the fee.


No new photographs are required, nor is it necessary to provide referees.


The appropriate fee is payable only when the variation application, results in an increase in the number of firearms authorised by the certificate. However this fee is waived when such an application is made at the same time as a renewal.


One for one variations

It is emphasised that a variation is always necessary if a certificate holder wishes to change one of his firearms, even if he seeks to purchase one identical to the one he is disposing of.


Applications for "one for one" variations, including both same and different calibre weapons, should be made by the certificate holder submitting his firearm certificate together with a completed Form 101, direct to Firearms Licensing. Such applications will be processed free of charge, providing that the police are informed of the disposal transaction and the new request at the same time. In the case of a change of authorisation which has not yet been taken up, this is not usually a problem. However, applicants sometimes request a free "one for one" variation for weapons they have disposed of some time ago. Such requests cannot be dealt with on a free "one for one" basis, as the weapon being replaced is no longer on the current certificate, thus resulting in an increase in the number of weapons presently held.

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I thought it was great no fee as I wanted to vary a 22-250 for a .204 trouble was the 22-250 didn't have a mod, so technically I thought one for one but as the mod on the .204 would be an extra listed firearm I had to cough up £26. :thumbdown: Not to bad though, I would have paid to change anyway especially as they sorted the variation in ten days.

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