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finding new permission

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havent posted for a while so firstly hi again everyone :)


im back with the same old question really, how do i get permission to shoot over farms? ive already got one but its a long way from my house so i cant go often, and there are lots of other people shooting there so its fairly empty of quarry. ive found a few farms closer to me so im thinking of going over tomorrow but not really sure how to ask them. was thinking of having some letters with my details in case they are out, and maybe mentioning the other permission to show i can be trusted. any other ideas? im 16 btw so not sure how seriously they will take me :(




chris :)

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I have found that face to face works best as my current record is 4 in one day!


I normally go to the door wearing casual clothing and also carry a folder with me with all the general licenses and insurance docs along with other permission stuff i.e. Shooting agreements etc. I state that i shoot at various other farms in the area and i am fully insured, very responsible, only use air rifles unless otherwise stated. I normally start with - hi sorry to bother you my name is ....... I regularly shoot rabbits, pigeons etc. and i was wondering if it was possible to have permission to take care of any vermin on your land blah blah.




Scotty p

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You can use this template if you are going to write a letter to the land owner (add or delete as appropriate) -


First of all, I would like to take this chance to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I am writing to enquire whether there is any opportunity for pest control on your land  of which I could carry out free of charge.

My name is XXXXX XXXXX; I am XX years old and live in XXXXXXX. I have been shooting for XX years now and enjoy the hobby very much, along with the added bonus of helping farmers/land owners by controlling pests such as rooks, crows, rabbits, rats and squirrels.


With this in mind, I feel that I can be of assistance to you, should you offer me permission to shoot for pests on your land. If you grant me permission to shoot on your land, I would respectfully ask that it be in written form please – please can you fill in and return the attached permission form. I enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for this purpose.


All livestock, property, borders and boundaries will be respected. I would also watch for any fly tipping of rubbish or people trespassing on your land and inform you directly of any occurrences. I have a serious respect when using air rifles and I believe the following points illustrate this well -


· I NEVER take chances when shooting – safety of others and myself is

always of the upmost importance to me and should permission be given, I would like to arrange with you in advance for advice on when and where I can shoot.


· I ALWAYS respect the wishes of the landowner and obey any rules or

restrictions he/she may lay down.


·I am a current full member of the B.A.S.C. or B.A.S.A and

always carry my membership I.D. card and proof of shooting insurance with

me whenever I go out on a shoot. I can produce it to you if required.


Please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile telephone: XXXXX XXX XXX if you require any more information or would like to meet in person to discuss this further. Once again, many thanks.



Yours sincerely,




Your Name here.


Your address here.

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Stillers form is very useful, proves you have permission, also a bit of advice, ring the local police station when you go out, tell them where you are going, what you are doing and note down the refernce number, some tree huggers or overly nervous Guardian reading types will phone the police if they see you wandering around with what they think of as a Kalashnikov assault rifle and you may get an opportunity to make friends with a ruddy great German Shepherd as it tries to remove your arm (slight exaggeration there but they may despatch an ARV to bring you in which seriously buggers the sport up as the police do not care about scaring quarry)! The police will take your mobile number an dgive you a reference number, should anybody be seen with a gun where you are supposed to be shooting, they ring you and check!

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thanks stillers for the letter definitely better than the one i had :) went out to see them today, 2 said they dint allow shooting for various reasons, and 2 where out so i used the letter fingers crossed i get some replies :)

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You also need to be aware that you may get some serious trouble if you are in a public place with an air rifel/air pistol, even if it is in a case, as you are under 18yrs old.


You and your parents especially need to read this:




Keep plugging away at the local farms, try the golf clubs as well, also anywhere where there are horse paddocks.


Best of luck and never give up hope with permmissions, you could have a search for your local rifle club as that could be a real good way to get target practice, meet new friends and possibly get some land to shoot on :thumbs:

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thanks markha will need to get a better gun cupboard i think. just one more thing, as i understand it im ok to use the rifle on my own on private land, but i need it to be out of sight in the car on public roads right?


thanks again :)

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  On 12/03/2011 at 14:51, chris5 said:

thanks markha will need to get a better gun cupboard i think. just one more thing, as i understand it im ok to use the rifle on my own on private land, but i need it to be out of sight in the car on public roads right?


thanks again :)


Just put it in the boot in the gun bag unloaded





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  On 12/03/2011 at 16:41, 19powell90 said:
  On 12/03/2011 at 14:51, chris5 said:

thanks markha will need to get a better gun cupboard i think. just one more thing, as i understand it im ok to use the rifle on my own on private land, but i need it to be out of sight in the car on public roads right?


thanks again :)


Just put it in the boot in the gun bag unloaded






thanks :)




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