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I had a neck shot, again, shot from crouching position under lamp, am going to have to practise shooting in all positions, squally gusts across the track. Feel sick about that. Also had another nasty experience. I laid down before the crown of the track adn was watching the edges carefully and I felt I was being watched. Something did not feel right. I slowly turned my head to find a blasted rabbit watching me! he was down wind, about 30 feet away, watching me. talk about a nasty predicament! If I turned to get the gun my hands would have become visible and spooked it. I know, they did, he saw and legged it. This DPM 90 gear works you know. A 7 a day smoker being upwind of a bunny, who is watching him!


So you know my fave plane! She is beautiful. If you want to see the ghost of "Nigger" watch the Dambusters. After the mission has ended and Guy is speaking to Barnes, you can see a black Labrador in the trees. The dog who played "Nigger" was not on base that day, there were no black dogs on the base that day, they could not see a black dog when shooting the end scene. It was only in the rushes (screening after shooting) that somebody noticed the Labrador in the trees. The only known occasion where a ghost appears in a movie, a real ghost that is!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Firstly, lose the fags. Bugs will smell smoke on you a mile off! Secondly, what's with the foamy mat? Real men don't use shooting mats! Thirdly, ditto the above, but shooting bag. Fourth, why do y

That ain't lube, it is hand steriliser, I am a diabetic and have to inject insulin in the field, I like to make sure that is all I bleeding inject! That mat is to stop damp, it was still bleeding soggy in that field, usually I lay on the ground, when it is dry, pneumonia not good! Fags, took them out of the pocket so when I waled round they did not rattle or get folded in half when I crouched, lighter removed to lessen noise too, thats why they are behing the gun rest, hide em out of sight!!! I dunno how many a day bunnies smoke


Edited to say use a shooting bag so when I inject insulin, eat etc, I don't have to lay the rifle on the damp ground! Also the hump is not 2 foot, more like 6 inches, perimeters are surrounded by ditches with water and loads of holes. Ground other side of ditches is covered in nettles, brambles and about 2-3 feet lower than the permission, ditches immediately behind fence, filled with green and brown liquid, that does not smell very nice! Trust me! Been down wind of that ditch!


Edited to add been diabetic since I was 10 by the way! Pain in the backside, arm, leg, stomach, wherever else you can hit a muscle on a subcutaneous injection....


Excuses excuses! Man up! :p


Know all about sub-cut injections, had to inject myself with an anti clotting agent for a few weeks a while back, don't envy you having to do it all the time mate! I do have to finger prick test occasionally, but thankfully not every day.


You should put a little insulin in the back of the pellets, perfect poison! You'd not need to worry about penetration, a few drops of that would have bunny turning up his toes in no time! ;)


As for the fags, surely one major illness is enough, without all the nasty illnesses that come with smoking? Anyway, if you've had a fag in the clothes you're wearing in the past day, buggs will smell it.


As for bags and mats, I was kind of kidding about them, though the bag isn't the most mobile solution, but if it suits you then knock yourself out!


yes man up,ok lets stop thinking army,shape shine shadow etc the lad is not a sniper he is after rabbits they dont fight back although obviously they have keen senses,one of the first pics put up"busy corner"fence line,more than adequate for an ambush point.temporary hide what ever,im not expecting the guy to lay chest deep in a shit pit but he can get in on the edge of it clearly,this is not a weeks covert exercise bagging up his own shit to take home with him its a few hours bunny bashing,obvious fieldcraft if you ask me simple as that,not up for a row just saying :thumbs:

pianoman post about the lancaster most interesting part of the thread,nothing to do with rabbits ,depth perception or waiting says it all really doesnt it,

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You don't say what's on the field Moley but Watchman touched on the answerI think. I would be thinking of putting four straw bales in the middle of that corner. Perhaps a day before you shoot to let em get used to it. Just store em somewhere along the ditch when you're done. Cover em up though else they will disintegrate in time.

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You don't say what's on the field Moley but Watchman touched on the answerI think. I would be thinking of putting four straw bales in the middle of that corner. Perhaps a day before you shoot to let em get used to it. Just store em somewhere along the ditch when you're done. Cover em up though else they will disintegrate in time.


simple as that mate thats all i was getting at :thumbs:

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