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Theres no general rules as to when a jills ready to mate certainly not a standard size vulva anyway :laugh: .. but if the hobs showing an interest in her now I would remove him unless you want a litter :thumbs:

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yea after 5 years of getting kits from other people and seeing if mine are any good at ferreting people have asked for some kits from me so yea i wanna breed this year and then get him sniped and yea he is defo in season like bloody marbles. and yea i thought he would be doing alot more just seemed bit strange coz all the other local ferrets have all ready been and gone out of season already.

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as ive said before on other posts,i have had ferrets just about all my life and 90%of the time they have been kept on white sawdust,never had a problem.but as i have also stated each to there own.

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Soft wood shavings from stable supplies 6 bucks for a big bale,, but it will NOT last you 6 months lol(not if you change it frequently :whistling: )


As for problems,, they pretty much run the show themselves and if there is any problems ,the chances are they will be done and dusted before you realise its a problem.

Once they have the kits, leave well alone for a good bit, every Jill is different and you will be the best judge of when to handle her, and when to handle the kits,(don`t be temted to dive in and pick up too soon though !!! do that when they are too young and you may find them gone in the morning!!)

Be prepared for some unpleasants though,, problem kits may be eaten soon after birthing, as will dead kits at anything up to a few weeks, some you may have to remove for yourself. Just use common sense mate and remeber, she`s your ferret so you look after her the way you know how!.

Godd luck


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