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Hey Guys,

ive kept for 5 years now and have kept them on sawdust all the time, but been reading the older post and some people have been saying sawdust is a bad idea. what are your opinions.


also this is the first time in the 5 years im going to be breeding my jill she is in season and has all the signs of beening mated just wondering if you could tell me any signs that i should look out for if its all going tits up.



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thanks guys looks like il be getting wood shavings on the way home then haha.


any bad signs to look out for when a gill is pregant since i normaly getting kits from other people and this year 4 people have ask me for kits just wonderd if there any helpful info you can give for a first time breeder.


thanks again


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it's good that you are breeding her knowing that there is already home's for the kit's..it's straight forward to breed your jill put the hob in for a couple of day's 42 day's later give or take a day or two an you should have some kit's. atb

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thanks guys looks like il be getting wood shavings on the way home then haha.


any bad signs to look out for when a gill is pregant since i normaly getting kits from other people and this year 4 people have ask me for kits just wonderd if there any helpful info you can give for a first time breeder.


thanks again


yes mate when the kitts are born leave the jill to it and dont keep looking in at them :no: then after about 3 weeks then you can start lifting the kitts out and weaning them of the mother and getting them eating on there own and used to be handled your jill should be used to looking at them by this stage:thumbs: some jills are funny and will kill and eat the whole lot so just keep a wee eye on yours seeing its her first litter :thumbs: make sure she has plenty of good food and fresh while shes carrying the kitts and nursing them give her plenty of meat like rabbit ,mince ,chicken mine get dry mix aswell raw egg is good for a nursing jill not to much though about 2 or 3 times a week is fine anyway atb keep me posted on how every thing goes :thumbs: Edited by theferreter
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You can get dust free shavings at nealy any animal supply merchant mate ,just leave your jill alone you will know by her reactions at feeding time whats shes going to be like

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yeah like the ferreter said leave it for a few weeks before u start picking them up by then they should start eating meat but will still not be able to leave their mum until 9 weeks old ATB DM :victory:

Most jills will of had enough by the end of the 6th week will be knackerd out in fact give her a few days break by then IMO

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I have used the fine sawdust in the past & didn't have any problems with it .. but i found the soft shavings better as the sawdust just seemed to blow everywhere

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sorry late reply thanks guys for all your help.


just another qick question, i know she is in season but all the hob keeps doing is sniffing and licking well you know (bit of fore play) dose this mean she is not fully in season ??


many thanks


ferret pete

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