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Guest Frank

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Guest The Shaman
Shaman isn't it funny how having no experience doesn't stop them from knowing it all



Aye mate - they have no fecking idea how to do a job, but insist on it being done how they want it. Crazy pen pushers with no real trade. :laugh:

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Guest peakhound

I work with adults with learning disabilities (mainly autism and aspergers syndrome) and challenging behaviour in a residential care home. I love the job and the people, but sometimes hate the politics!!!!


In my younger days (cos i'm such an old bag now!!!) did a degree in human and comparative anatomy with genetics. Sometimes think i'm much better dissecting dead people than talking to some of the live specimens i meet!!!!

Otherwise busy with dogs, horses sheep and family....

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I work with adults with learning disabilities (mainly autism and aspergers syndrome) and challenging behaviour in a residential care home. I love the job and the people, but sometimes hate the politics!!!!


In my younger days (cos i'm such an old bag now!!!) did a degree in human and comparative anatomy with genetics. Sometimes think i'm much better dissecting dead people than talking to some of the live specimens i meet!!!!

Otherwise busy with dogs, horses sheep and family....


Have you ever come across "mr cuban" in your work ? ;)

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Debt recovery/Bailiff - what do you mean booooooo?



What qualifications do you need apart from being a C**T and a W****R. I hate baliffs ive got a suprise for the next one that visits my place, i cant wait to try it out.


Cheers for that "mr cuban" The work I do is mainly corporate repossessions - cars,vans, business equipment etc - If they don't pay for it, its got to go back.

I DON'T go knocking on peoples doors lifting their tv's etc, but I'd love to pay you a visit sometime. What I've learned in my game is that people who say they are going to do this and that are usually quiet as lambs face to face. It's the quiet ones who usually are dangerous.


Anyway son - you didnt say what you do for a living- which was the point of the whole thread.


......... let me guess ..............



Where did you get my photo from have you been following me ? Im sorry that my question upset you, it was a genuine enquiry about your qualifications. My profession is of a far more dignified nature than "corporate repossessions". I am a "corporate felcher" specializing in baliff felching.


You never did tell me which other qualifications, apart from being a c**t waft, you have. I dont think it would be a good idea for us to meet iam as quiet as a lamb and as you said its the quiet ones who are dangerous. As long as your happy in your work, and dont mind being a corporate parasite, i think thats all that matters.


"mr cuban" Your posts reveal more about you than you possibly imagine.


* You mention "felching" - I'm led to believe that this is a male homosexual activity.


* You obviously have a pathological hatred/fear of Bailiffs/debt recoverers - from this I deduce that you are a man of limited means (SKINT in other words).


* You want to "meet" me.- I have absolutely no desire to meet a penniless homosexual. (In fact I dont even want to meet any rich homosexuals either)


I think you should examine these points as you sit in your damp bedsit, in front of your UNPAID FOR computer with your miniscule cock in your hand .


AND You still havn't told us what you do for a living!!! :hmm::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Student :D studying - Computing, Gardening, Stockbroking, Wildlife, Photography and the world about me. I also work as a ConPreX (Conservation, Preservation, Extermination) operative, some of it paid...some unpaid.

I worked mainly in Construction/Destruction in the past. Since i developed a glassback :cry: thats out of the question now...So its study...study and more study. Hopefully, i'll find something...I can, and want to do, which will give me time to carry on with my "other" studies. :whistle: :D

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Blimey :icon_eek: , what a great responce :D and thank you all so much for doing just that so far, amazing what some of you do, it takes all sorts to make a world ha. ;):drink:


Keep it coming folks, im sure we have more members out their who still have not posted their occupation. :)


Dont hold back, no matter what you do. :thumbs-up:



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It's gas insn't it? Thats some range of occupations.


Before I took up the draughting trade, I worked with my brother on and off, in his cabinet making business. I miss that more and more actually, wouldn't have minded serving my time but he emigrated to the US and that was that.


These days for pure enjoyment and some beer money I do a lot of gunstock repair and refinishing for my local gunsmith. It beats watching the telly.

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Was a multi-coded welder for 34 years, worked all over the country in rig yards and refineries, been working in the health and social care sector for the last eight years working with adults with learning disabilities, mental health problems and behavioural problems.

Its like a bus mans holiday coming on here after work :D:laugh:

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Guest peakhound

I work with adults with learning disabilities (mainly autism and aspergers syndrome) and challenging behaviour in a residential care home. I love the job and the people, but sometimes hate the politics!!!!


In my younger days (cos i'm such an old bag now!!!) did a degree in human and comparative anatomy with genetics. Sometimes think i'm much better dissecting dead people than talking to some of the live specimens i meet!!!!

Otherwise busy with dogs, horses sheep and family....


Have you ever come across "mr cuban" in your work ? ;)


No, we have standards! :clapper::D

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i work for a company that makes big statues and garden benches out of concrete and now mushrooms :blink: ...yes that means gnomes aswell :D

i suppose you made that english bull of mine thats why the ears fell off! :o oh well it gives the big fella something to piss up i suppose :hmm:

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