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i work through an agency, as a packer in a factory that prints the labels for bernard matthews, tulip... basically, if you buy a pack of bacon or ham from tesco, chances are i put the roll of labels in a box & sent them to the processors... i work 3-midnight, which is why most of my posts are between 1 & 4am.

i used to work as a carer at a residential school for autistic kids with learning difficulties. fecking loved that job... but there were 3 staff members who, if they didn't like you, collectively had the power to get you fired. and they didn't like me... they got the head of care fired too, the most experienced person there. he's a friend of mine, stuck up for me after i got fired. b*****ds. enough bitter rantings... hours suited nice, mind. 2 days on, 2 days off.

Edited by Ossie
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I'M A PIMP !! :D


No, Seriously !!


I work as a nominations manager on a stud farm and its my job to get mare owners to bring their mares to my stallions.


We also export semen worldwide, and I'm off to Germany in the morning to try and sell some semen over there. Not bringing any samples though.

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