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Got a heads up from the farmer down the road asking me to dispatch a fox that's been lurking around his sheep pen :thumbs: . He said there's a fox hanging round at 6 o'clock through till 7 every night without fail. I knocked up a little hide and spent Friday and Saturday in it haf 5 till haf 7 with no fox in sight :wallbash:

Decided to go for a mooch Sunday night and spotted Charlie behind the sheep pen, about 200 - 250 yards away. Normally a standard shot but was really windy and the rain was falling sideways so i tried to squeak him in a bit but no chance, massively overlamped, ended up bolting :wallbash:

Think I'm taking the plunge to the world of NV ;)

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Try a coloured filter first much cheaper! That said if you haven't shot at it, it should still stand still to take the deady shot with the white. I bought a gen 2+ add on I still find myself scanning with the lamp because I don't trust it and know how hard they are to spot in cover even with the lamp. NV isn't the answer but it helps, especially on those lamp shy ones.

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You'll need quality NV, to get out to 250 to 300 yards in the rain, and it'll cost you mate, maybe the fox got wind of you without you knowing it.


patience is a virtue, put in a stink pit and sit it out...






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  On 10/03/2011 at 11:11, Rifleman88 said:

Back down the farm tonight, fox has been baited up all week, got a good feeling about tonight :gunsmilie:

I'll let you know how I get on


Don't forget your camera ! A picture says a 1000 words and all that !

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Fox caught in a trap today by a neighbouring farmer, gutted :wallbash:

just treated myself to a pulsar n550 aswel, took it out for a test run lastnite and I was impressed, but being my first NV unit I can't really compare to anything.

Took a shot at a fox but couldn't find it through the bullrushes so can't count it :wallbash:

Hopefully the pulsar is going to get me a few lamp shy foxes through lambing season though. :thumbs:

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