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Census 2011

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It`s that time Again,...

Around the time of the last Census a protest movement started it`s purpose was to fill in the

part on the census form that asks your religion, saying that you belong to the

" Free Church Of Country Sports " the theory being that it would be illegal to discriminate against a persons


As it`s the time for the census again, lets send a message to the powers that be THAT WE HAVE NOT GONE AWAY and we want our freedom back

Fill in your Census forms FREE CHURCH OF COUNTRY SPORTS


Yis Mars..

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It`s that time Again,...

Around the time of the last Census a protest movement started it`s purpose was to fill in the

part on the census form that asks your religion, saying that you belong to the

" Free Church Of Country Sports " the theory being that it would be illegal to discriminate against a persons


As it`s the time for the census again, lets send a message to the powers that be THAT WE HAVE NOT GONE AWAY and we want our freedom back

Fill in your Census forms FREE CHURCH OF COUNTRY SPORTS


Yis Mars..





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If i thought it was true i would do it as i think everyone has the right to a point of view and the right to do or say what they think even if conflicts with what other people think one of my friends is against hunting but we agree to differ and shes not always trying to convert me to her way of thinking thats her view and her choice (a wise man once said you could be gay for all i care just dont force it down my throat)my moto is live and let live as long as you dont interfere with my life

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