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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

i would stick to the narrow lane untill he is coming back to you everytime with the dummy


a bit of play is acceptable but when they have the run of a garden it can be a nightmare and take you longer for the retrieve to be stored in the dogs head and a lot of pissing about

but theres [lenty of time for your pup and just keep it to 5 to 10 minutes a day


cheers john

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