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retriving help needed

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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

At 4 months :icon_eek: I`d keep the pup indoors ,for training ,far to many distractions with scent and visual stimulation ,by training outside.Keep the game simple indoors and put the toy away :icon_eek: when the pup starts to loose interest.Good luck.

Edited by BIG ZOOK
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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

At 4 months :icon_eek: I`d keep the pup indoors ,for training ,far to many distractions with scent and visual stimulation ,by training outside.Keep the game simple indoors and put the toy away :icon_eek: when the pup starts to loose interest.Good luck.

Talking pish again :thumbs:

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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

At 4 months :icon_eek: I`d keep the pup indoors ,for training ,far to many distractions with scent and visual stimulation ,by training outside.Keep the game simple indoors and put the toy away :icon_eek: when the pup starts to loose interest.Good luck.


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i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.

At 4 months :icon_eek: I`d keep the pup indoors ,for training ,far to many distractions with scent and visual stimulation ,by training outside.Keep the game simple indoors and put the toy away :icon_eek: when the pup starts to loose interest.Good luck.


And ! your advice for the orig poster :blink: is ?.

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If he is retrieving in the narrow space then stick there. It's better a couple of good retrieves and lots of praise etc, than trying to do lots and getting to nowhere and frustrating you and the dog. Don't do too much, little, and consistent. Use the same command, and praise him. Vary the objects. Then try him in another space, but maybe, in the kitchen, in a smallish room, then eventually move out to the garden. Put your back to something, use the same commands. If he wont brig it, walk away and hopefully he will follow you and bring it, crouch down and take it and praise him and reward him. Make it fun, dont take it too serious. :thumbs: Not every dog learns to retrieve early, some take some time, some just wont do it all the time. Mine will retrieve toys if he's in the mood to play, and then will do it for a few times and then just either not chase it or chase it then drop it and just walk off. . . . . :icon_eek: He's not dumb, he knows its a toy.

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starting in a narrow passage way is ideal for a pup. your pup is forming a habit which hopefully stay with it for life.just keep the lessons short if it does 1 perfect retreive i would leave it at that for the day. seen quite a few pupus sickened by over reteiving lessons. as the pup is older try new areas. change the dummy pack the rabbit skins to add weight.but never too heavy for a young pup to carry. i would use gundog training dummys wrapped in skins. then as time progresses i would use cold game [dead rabbits] hopefully some young ones to startoff.found with some dogs they refused at first to retreive cold game at first but with a bit of teasing and play this minor obstacle was soon overcome.when young pups had finished their retrieve lesson . i would tease them with it for a short while but not letting the pup grab it then put it away. all the dogs i ever owned where keen enthusastic retreivers.good luck.

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