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Sony DSC-F717 questions

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This is my first post in this section so would just like to start by saying hello to you all.


I have just bought a Sony DSC-F717. I don't know much (or anything :icon_redface: ) about photography but do enjoy taking pictures. My camera came with two memory cards but they are only 512 mb or something and i want to get a larger card. My question is, does anyone know if this card will be compatible with my camera? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250770606828&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT I have emailed the seller but they did not know. If not, can anyone recommend another card that will work?


My next question is concerning IR filters. I wanted to give IR photography a go. However, looking at the filters i notice there are different types eg: 720NM or 950NM etc. What do the NM numbers mean? Is one for indoor and one for outdoor? My camera has the Sony nightshot setting which is good, but will an IR filter make it any better?


Also, i only have one battery and want another as a spare. Is there a good place to get batteries from? Again i have looked on ebay but don't know whether the batteries on there are any good or just cheap tat?


I think that is all for now, i look forward to hearing from you knowledgeable people :notworthy:


Many Thanks, Paul.

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