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first time out with new rifle

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went for a lamp about last night with my new setup tikka t3 stainless super varmint in 243 coupled with a schmidt 8x56 its been a long awaited night as i have had to wait a month for my varyation to be processed which i think takes the biscuit concidering the cheque was cashed two days after i sent it to them any way back to the lamping the night was a great night for foxing good wind and pitch black couldnt ask for more oh other than to see a fox i scanned over two thousand acre between both my farms and not even a glimpse the only thing i got a shot at was a hare i will try and put pics of it up it was massive

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In the UK game is defined in law by the Game Act 1831. Other (non-game birds) that are hunted for food in the UK are specified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. UK law defines game as including:


Species Season (England, Scotland and Wales) Season (Northern Ireland)

Pheasant October 1 - February 1 October 1 - January 31

Partridge, Grey and Red-legged September 1 - February 1 September 1 - January 31

Black Grouse August 20 - December 10 N/A

Red Grouse August 12 - December 10 August 12 - November 30

Ptarmigan August 12 - December 10 N/A

Brown Hare No closed season August 12 - January 31


Although there is no close season for hare - the Hare Preservation Act of 1892 makes it illegal to sell, or offer to sell, hare between 1 March and 31 July. Additionally the Hares Act and Hares(Scotland) Act prohbit shooting hares at night.[6]


i take the law very seriously sorry if my post didnt explain very well but i am not the best with words but i no the laws

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not sure about cans yet un decided my mate has just fitted one of the new ro dale cans to his 22.250 and it seems quieter than mine and i have the t8 only thing i did notice with the ro dale is it throws a pretty big flame which could be awkward but not sure if they do it in the thread i need think its 1 in 18 suggestions welcome

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The whole of the UK, apart from some of the square mile in London, and the IOM, is a rabbit clearance area, which means it is a duty to shoot rabbits whenever the opportunity arises.


j316, why do you feel you have to question the legality of tikka's actions? What business is it of yours?

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  On 07/03/2011 at 09:45, matt_hooks said:

The whole of the UK, apart from some of the square mile in London, and the IOM, is a rabbit clearance area, which means it is a duty to shoot rabbits whenever the opportunity arises.


j316, why do you feel you have to question the legality of tikka's actions? What business is it of yours?



Old Law from 1954 Pest act and later 1972 Rabbit Clearence order #148. No longer really enforcable, as was highlighted by Rail Track case. Now it is simply "An occupier within a rabbit clearance area has unrestricted rights to kill rabbits on his land by any lawful means" rather than a 'duty'.

Edited by Ideation
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  On 07/03/2011 at 11:02, Rake aboot said:

Have a look at the Wildcat P8,, got one on my 243 parker hale! very good.(and 50 bucks brand new off ebay,,,lol)




£50 off eBay? You jammy ba####d! Why do I never see bargains like that?

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  On 06/03/2011 at 21:30, j316 said:

dont want to be apain but reading your post you did shoot the hare before it got dark not on lamp


Try looking up the code of practice for lamping hares on the BASC website.

You might be surprised if you think it's illegal.


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