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some pictures of my past dogs

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1st pic tilly

2nd tink staff & brinny 1st cross collie grey

3rd staffy looking at a hot air ballon remember it well

bottom left trigger collie/grey/whipp x 3/4grey/deer

bottom right ted and tiger ted got given him as a pup so dont know his mix up

tiger saluki x 3/4 saluki collie

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Love looking back to old pics aswell, nice photos Billy. :)


Here is some of my old lurchers i had back in the 90's, pity, never got a pic of the best dog i ever had, a whippet x greyhound. :)


1st pic: Deer H x Gryhnd, good dog on the big stuff too. ;)


2nd: Bull x Gryh


3. Whippet x collie with Hare.


4. As above with some lamped bunnys.


Not the best of pics, had a fight with the scanner ect. :laugh::drink:





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Thanks Millet. :)


The white bitch, deer hound greyhound x was fast alright. :yes: , she was a great hare dog, good strike, but tired quick. She also had the nack of knocking deer of their feet and killing them by a throat hold. :yes:


The brown and white, whippet x collie, was a great wee ferreting dog, but lacked speed, due to the collie in her, although, for some reason, she was deadly on the lamp and had an amazing ability to take hares on the run and on the lamp.


I would not lamp hares now :no: , back then i was young and ruthless as they say. ;):drink:



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Nearly all the pictures I have are unscanned, only a few digi-pics actually, and they're all of the current beast.


Who hates being photographed by the way. Most pics I have of her are blurred rubbish with her scarpering out of the frame. You tell her to stay put and then she lies there looking like she's about to be beaten with a stick, making for the most miserable looking pictures of any dog in the known universe.

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