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Fuel to £2 a litre

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I think Labour should be strung up for causing this mess. How short are peoples memories?   Mass immigration, so pushing down wages or increasing unemployment. Hamstringing us with the European Hu

well was going to go back self employed well fuk that idea off.   the rich are getting richer and where getting poorer.

Labour were the worst for listening to fat cats. The Digital Economy Bill was written by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) and was presented to Peter Mandelson while he enjoyed an a

moan moan moan,typical of the hunting fraternity :censored: but have any of you actually done anything????

"Hunting FRATERNITY" .... surely that includes yourself , if not why are you on here .

yes i have,

i ride everywhere now saving about £60 a week so that is about £40 the government loose of me from taxes :thumbs:


It's a good job you don't have two kids that need to go to a school that's seventeen miles away from where you live like I do then, ain't it??


I'd love to be in your position, mate. Maybe I'd best get a poney and trap :blink:



Kids that lived 17 miles from school didn't go to school in those days.


If the school is 17 miles and is the designated school for you by the council then you should get travel assistance that is distance based not income based. In Cornwall all kids that live 3 miles from the nearest school can get free travel.

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My daughter's school is 5 miles away, out of county so it is up to us to get her there. There is a school within a half mile of here but education is the necessity, not getting "educated", so the out of county school was the choice. No buses so it's car, cycle or walk and we have tried all. I think the bikes will be used more often now for sure :thumbs:

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I think Labour should be strung up for causing this mess.

How short are peoples memories?


Mass immigration, so pushing down wages or increasing unemployment.

Hamstringing us with the European Human Rights Law.

Over spending by more than one trillion on the public sector, much of which was waisted on poor contracts and non-jobs to increase Labour votes ( read a book called Squandered ).

Increasing our public debt during the good times so we are struggling now.

Selling off our gold reserves for peanuts.

Not regulating the banks.


Worst of all is now that cu.nt Ed Balls who was at the centre of the mess we're in heckling any attempt to dig ourselves out.

Labour same old story.

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I think Labour should be strung up for causing this mess.

How short are peoples memories?


Mass immigration, so pushing down wages or increasing unemployment.

Hamstringing us with the European Human Rights Law.

Over spending by more than one trillion on the public sector, much of which was waisted on poor contracts and non-jobs to increase Labour votes ( read a book called Squandered ).

Increasing our public debt during the good times so we are struggling now.

Selling off our gold reserves for peanuts.

Not regulating the banks.


Worst of all is now that cu.nt Ed Balls who was at the centre of the mess we're in heckling any attempt to dig ourselves out.

Labour same old story.

Shep I couldn't agree more, and I used to be a Labour voter, I have watched the systematic destruction of my country my culture and it's values. under labour if you worked hard to support your own you were just seen as a cash cow for those that couldn't be bothered.

Basically if you were a "minority" you were quids in, if not they didn't give a sh*t. Look where we are with crime, the criminal seems to have more rights to protect them than the victim.

The new government have not had enough time, but no other party has had to take over the running of a country in such a poor state that's a fact so this needs to be remembered before anyone slates the new people in charge, and starts saying Labour were not that bad after all, they almost bankrupted this country.

One thing I'm not happy about though with the new government is we are increasing over seas aid to countries such as Pakistan, India etc, I'm sorry but don't both these country's have a nuclear arms program, hmm that's cheap, you can just see them can't you," I know, our people are struggling to live and 90% of the population is in poverty, oh well lets spend it on nuclear missiles as the UK will send us plenty of aid" Cameron and co need to look on the streets of this country and in the homes of old people shivering on their sofa too poor to heat the house before posting millions of pounds over to these countries who let's face it couldn't give a sh*t about us.


Returning to the post many businesses will fail if the cost of fuel rises much more, it's time the government did get involved, they could do two things immediately, first cancel any planned raise in duty on fuel, reduce the existing duty and further down the road exercise greater control of the fuel companies. Doesn't it p*ss you off when the price of a barrel of oil comes down any reduction at the pumps takes months if at all as the fuel companies use the excuse "ah well we are still selling the fuel at the more expensive rate as that's what it cost us when we bought it" yet when the oil price goes up the price increase hits the pumps immediately. :hmm:


Rant over :big_boss:

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moan moan moan,typical of the hunting fraternity :censored: but have any of you actually done anything????

"Hunting FRATERNITY" .... surely that includes yourself , if not why are you on here .

yes i have,

i ride everywhere now saving about £60 a week so that is about £40 the government loose of me from taxes :thumbs:


It's a good job you don't have two kids that need to go to a school that's seventeen miles away from where you live like I do then, ain't it??


I'd love to be in your position, mate. Maybe I'd best get a poney and trap :blink:



Now why didn't I think of that...?? :blink:

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Labour has a lot to answer for , without a doubt.

They had boom times and squandered the lot.

They let 3 million immigrants in.

Then how many illegals on top of that.


I thought Cameron might be a welcome change but i fear his partys cuts have been to severe and anychance of Britain recovering from the recession is doomed for years.

The Country is f****d , they are not telling us the half of it .

Folk are on the Breadline.

All Goverments think is Tax Tax Tax

Then they siphon it off and waste it.

Corupt to the core the lot of them.




I was as sick of labour as everybody else, but the last thing I wanted was this shower of c**ts in again... Lets face it, they only got back in because they were the only alternative to the status quo... :yes: They're cutting too fast & too deep, they should have waited until the economy was back on track. The deficit isn't going anywhere..


..and look at their handling of what's going on in Libya, they look like a bunch of rank f*****g amateurs.. :thumbdown:

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i was moaning about the rip of britain prices on friday at work and my boss said instead of f--king moaning all the time do some thing about it...and that is what i did i left work in the Trooper and parked across the entrance to the local Tesco all the police got around here is astra's 4 hours the Trooper was parked in the entrance...so just like my boss told me stop f--king moaning about the rip of prices in the shit hole country and do some thing about it...there aint enough old bill or army in this country to stop every one if we can all get together and protest. :yes::yes::yes:




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countrys fecked -- i`m ready to retire cant get my hands on my pension for 3 more years due to changes :wallbash: .. were getting ripped off big time -- food costs gas electric fuel insurance council tax the lot your average working man is poor now days .. no proper jobs no mining no ship yards no car builders .. yes countrys well and truely fecked ... i went to see an old fella from my old pigeon racing club in his 80s living in poverty i`m not kidding he`d got bread and warm milk and a banana for his feckin dinner ...aint had his heating on all winter :no:

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