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What ever is the point of larging it up about having a dog running fast in a strait line ? ? iv never known a rabbit, hare, fox or deer that runns in a strait line! see if your pretend greyhound can

dude,,,,iam not in anyway saying ,,,when it comes to the very fastest, barr the best greyhounds,,,,they dont come with there injury problem,s hence with more speed tends to mean more time at vets,,

speed is important as all lurcher men know but stamina is to but usually the faster and closer you get to speeds of the grey the more stamina you lose, it all fine and dandy having a jet engine propel

might of put it over wrong i meant the bullshit over arguing in k9 by certain folk not the event although the way it was advetised saying put up or shut up and anyone who dosnt run is chicken definatly is bullshit not a great way to atract dogs especialy non peds that for most of them will be in devon for the english derby that weekend as i said all the best to them

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Coolbreeze why is it bullshit????

The way i see it is that someone is taking the time out to organise some strait racing, nothing wrong with that.

Although id rather see each heat between 6 dogs and out of Traps.

Max its being held at a lurcher and terrier show but lurchers cant enter this challenge its restricted to greyxwhippets basically non peds :whistling:

Y.I.S Leeview

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I attend "Non-Ped Whippet" racng most weekends, and the owners I've talked to either dismiss it out of hand or have more important races going on to get their dogs ready for, i.e. the English Derby, etc. Why would they bother racing their dogs against, what are after all, un-registered Greyhounds, when they have their own competitions ?



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What ever is the point of larging it up about having a dog running fast in a strait line ? ?

iv never known a rabbit, hare, fox or deer that runns in a strait line! see if your pretend greyhound can stay tight when the real life quarrie does turn.

Any more speed than is needed to get on terms is a waste.

if you want a fast dog take up greyhound racing !

if you want a pretty dog and a rosset start showing poodles!

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Well the organisers care how its bred and thats their stipulation :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

ps apparently the organiser has a seriously fast dog that will take some beating


So basically someone with a fast dog of a certain type has organized a challenge race for dogs of that type, with a lot of posturing, in a place and at a time that is likely to put of many who would be serious contenders in said race and to said dog, so that presumably the organizers dog will win and the posturing shall continue?




And does fens not suggest turning rater than running in a straight line?

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