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i aggree with albert just keep the housing well clean as they are more likly to get ill/die from infection than not being bread from if you end up with kits they can be quite hard to get rid of even for free :thumbs:

Edited by gundogbob
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  On 06/03/2011 at 09:08, rabbiting josh said:

even if i do breed from them can they have their kits together?


hope fully someone will give you a more deatailed answer but from my own expierince to of my jill were bred from last year as i needed stock and i knew people who wanted the rest one jill was a great mother and the other did not want to know her kits so i had to put them in with the other she motherd 14 kits by her self :thumbs:

Edited by gundogbob
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to be honest un less you have a real good reason to breed them then dont as albert said you could end up with 40 kits if you cant shift them you are going to have to have a big court to house them let alone the running costs ie food bedding ect honestly there is no need to breed them some one is bound to have a vacomised hod if you are that worried

im not having a go just there is alot more to it than breeding to bring out of season :thumbs:

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Why dont you post asking to borrow a snipped hob in your area ,you dont need to breed them and if you dont have the cash to get them injected how you going to get the cash if something goes wrong when you breed them?.


They might all live together and give birth quite happily them your going to feed forty plus feerets all summer ?.

If one jill gets upset she could kill all the kits and then your jills will come back into season and your back to square one ?.

A little bit of though when you got the ferrets would have prevented this

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Phone round a few vets and ask for prices for the jill jab mate i honestly think that would be your best bet and give you breathing space to think what your going to do as this is going to happen every spring

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Not being funny mate but if you put just a tiny bit of effort in to find a vac hob etc then you will save a lot of money. Even three lots of jill jabs would probably be cheaper than the cost of raising 30 + kits. And if anything goes wrong for any of the jills then the cost of the vets will eclipse the lads. There is also the thought that when entering into keeping any animas you have a responsibility to ensure you can sufficiently care for them. . . . . .

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  On 06/03/2011 at 12:55, coursing john said:
  On 06/03/2011 at 09:02, albert64 said:

why dont you ask has someone got a vasectomised hob in your area

you could end up with over 40 ferrets mate

if you cant get a vasect hob dont breed from them

they wont die, its an old wives tale


is it f**k i lost one this year


and you lost that because of ?

you did'nt breed it

did'nt clean it

it got sick

and the breeding season has'nt started this year

dont look further than yourself for blame


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