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moved into my house(private renting) the beginning of january and the street is a little cul de sac with 9 houses in sort of a circle, my house is at the start of the street so i never venture round the corner as i dont need too, anyway my next door neighour is brilliant a nice little old lady who always goes out her way to smile or speak or give the bairns sweets if there playing in the garden, and i dont speak to anyone else in my street as i like to keep myself to myself, i got my first dog 6 weeks ago and he was a pain getting ored easy when left so we got another 1, no one has had a problem with my dogs or me as we keep ontop of the garden and make sure the kids speak inline to passers by etc


now last week i walked into the street at 2 am after walking the dogs and a little westie in a neighbours garage started barking so my dog ran to there garage door for a sniff and i called him straight bk, when there dog was arking the people in the house stuck there head out the window to see what it was barking at, anyway i thought nothing more about it, the following morning im getting a nock at the door (7am) its the owner of the westie complaning that my dog shit all over there garden last night and they seen him do it, so after a few minutes of me trying to explain my dog had not shit on her garden she shouts get it picked up ******, well anyway to avoid any more pointless hassle i picked it up and showed her that it was white and moldy so there is no way it was my dogs off the previous night, but she had none of it,

now it gets better some little prick with lurchers has been going round blagging cats and guess who is getting the blame yeah me off the same c**ts reguarding the shit, the other day i had the dogs out for 2 hours just as i got to my gate he shouts "oy was that your dogs just got hold of the cat" so i explained "no" so he went on and on that it was me he seen 2 ig dogs ragging it :icon_eek: its really starting to piss me off now like i had been miles in the other direction but i set my dogs onto a cat behind his house, and now he is scared to walk his westies,


in the weeks before i got my lurchers i never seen his dogs leave the back garden or garage so why now is he scared and he says us people are all the same, so i can only presume he is on aout lads with lurchers





sorry about the long pointless post, ut it pisses me off that we all get tied with the same rush and why do some people think they can pick on the new guy

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Cant believe you picked up the shite........tell them too f**k off, you never speak to them anyway so whats the problem.....f*****g nosey b*****ds all over the place....... :wallbash:

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Mate i live in a culd de sac just like you describe i keep myself to myself ive been accused of shit to do with a cat even had the police round because of it,next time they speak to you just carry on ignore them people like you describe thrive on conflict they have nothing better to do. just be careful when you do start working your dogs though, you have my sympathy atb matt

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If he doesn't let his dog out of the garden for walks then I bet his back garden is covered in shit and he doesn't care, however Environmental health will :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


One of my dogs will only shit in the garden and not when out no matter what I do and if I miss a day or 2 of picking it up its a nightmare. I have made my own septic tank from a buried dustbin with holes in and gravel in the bottom.


Years ago I used to have a Labrador and my neighbours at the time had a collie x thing. Their dog would always shit in my garden and because I wouldn't clear up their dog mess they called Environmental Health on me. Turned out that even though it was their dog doing it, it was still my responsibility as it was on my property and if they found it all over my garden again then I would be fined.

I asked the guy if would it be the neighbour problem if it was on the neighbours land and he confirmed it would.

Took me ages to push a gardens worth of shit through a letterbox :boogie: :boogie: :boogie:

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just be nice keep ur dogs on a lead muzzle them even because its not wat that little prick thinks of u its wat the rest of the neigbours think of u that counts ive been in the paper over my neigbours cat they report me at least 20 times a year to lspca or national wild life parks i had words with him the last time he done it and he took it to a new level reporting me to the dole office because he taught i was working and claiming the scratcher at the same time the idiot couldnt be more wrong . :wallbash:

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th lads i couldnt give a f**k aout any of them in the street or anywhere else, the only thing i was bothered aout was if my land lord got wind of these so called accusations, need to keep a roof over familys head, thats a priority

ye i know that but ur land lord will ask the rest of the neigbours if they have the same problem

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Go out of your way to befriend the other neighbours.

You usually find c**ts like the one on your case with the shit arsed westies have usually made life difficult for other neighbours.

Good to have some back up if things turn ugly.

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