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Does anybody have any handy tips for shooting with a steady hand? I know holding your breath can improve accuracy and to use the ball of your finger as apposed to the crease, and apparently army snipers are taught to shoot inberween heartbeats for greater accuracy? If there are any other handy tips for accuracy or general shooting that would be greatly appreciated? Thanks

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Hi Matt.

Sounds like you have pronounced breathing and heart-rate. You have to learn to control your heart and pulse rate by learning to breath comfortably, lightly and gently. The whole science of accuracy in shooting is based entirely on being and doing everything as comfortable and relaxed as possible. I cannot stress that importantly enough. Start by dispelling the myth that you have to hold your breath at the point of releasing the trigger. Close your mouth and allow air to filter through your nose till you can breath without making your chest rise and fall. This will keep your heart and pulse stimulated without pounding. If you hold your breath your heart will race to pump more blood to stimulate your pulses in your wrist and neck and it will cause more movement than it calms down.


Slowing your breathing to take in a gentle rate of air and keep your lungs comfortably supplied will do wonders for stilling your body's movements and minimise the beat effect of your heart and pulse rate. When you come to take a shot, you'll be already settled and relaxed. Take a gentle, inhaled lungful of air and slowly, exhale it through your nose. let the air run out at a natural pace right down to the pause. This is the point where air remains in your respitory system and, you would have to force-pressure to expel the last amount of breath out of your lungs.


The pause is the point where you fire. And you should get your shot released within 8 seconds or less. Before you need to inhale again. You have to learn how to extend the pause without holding your breath just enough to accommodate your shot!


Lie prone on the ground. If you shoot right-handed, raise your right knee and get your arse down onto the deck and stabilise your body position. Use your raised knee as a jack to lift your bodyweight onto your left side to keep your weight off your diaphragm. Use the opposites if, like me you are left handed.


That's really all there is to it. Other than correct hold. Nice and light at the shoulder. Comfortable support at the fore-end at the point of ballance. Nice light hold of your controlling hand with your thumb up the wrist of the stock. Nice gentle press on the trigger; don't pull or snatch or all your good work comes apart.


Go practice!


Mikey, Moley, thank you gentlemen. You're too generous in your compliments!


All the best Matt



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