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Just been for a walk........

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Hi all,


Just been for a walk around some of my permission after I got back from work and :tongue4: and now there is a hell of alot more rabbits bouncing around the feilds looks like my day tomorrow is going to be full of bunnie bashing! :11:


I shall update you all tomorrow.





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  On 05/03/2011 at 19:02, North Wales Hunter said:

Hi all,


Just been for a walk around some of my permission after I got back from work and :tongue4: and now there is a hell of alot more rabbits bouncing around the feilds looks like my day tomorrow is going to be full of bunnie bashing! :11:


I shall update you all tomorrow.






Good luck and happy hunting.



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Hi all,


Been at my permission ALL day and I litrally saw 1/4 of the bunnies I saw the previous day but I kept at it marhing silently all the way round the entire farm several times but the bunnies were so shy today they would sprint as soon as they saw me, which they dont usually do because I can usually get within 25 yards of them but today they wernt having it so I didnt want to try from further away incase of wounding which could lead to escaping which can lead to suffering which is not good!!


So not a single thing in the bag but I enjoyed the lovely weather while walking round the farm and seeing the views.


Tomorrow im meeting up with Pike Hunter and were going out on one of my other permissions so ill do another topic but in the Lurcher section!


Thanks for reading :thumbs:





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