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yeaahhhhh boyyyyyyyyyyy !!

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was out one of my permissions this morning with the girlfriend just having a nice walk..........walked the edge of the field found a purse net...great then told my girlfriend here is where i caught my first coney... then told her where the second ones ..... then a bloody ferret pops out the hole must of heard us....But about two weeks back my mum told me about people ! being on the farm where i ferret... they must of left a ferret behind WELL ALL I CAN SAY IS HELLO SANDY :) p.s i have two poleys will they live together all of them are jills and they were all out in the run this afternoon and the one i found was fighting...(well i thought they were) but it was more like a mothering thing she had the scruff of there necks and was dragging them into the nesting box :)


atb josh

Edited by rabbiting josh
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You might want to remove part of that post mate. The pikeys that got chased off could be reading it! Lol! And might well want their ferret back and might well take your at the same time.


Yes they should get on and what you described isnt fighting.

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i personally would of kept it on its own for a week or 2 mate to make sure its healthy and hasent got any dieases that it would pass on to your own ferrets :thumbs: 3 jills will be fine into gether there will be a bit of squabbling with any new ferrets that are put in with your original 2 but they will soon sort out the pecking order hope your new ferret turns out a good wee worker :thumbs:

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Are you sure it's not a hob you found sounds like it your jills aren't in season are they ????


One of my jills every now and again mothers the others dragging them back to the bed and she is only 9 months old. As it has already been said they will soon sort themselves out.

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