TOMO 27,011 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 Seems like a good time to ask this question that has bothered me for a while on THl so here goes.......As i dont own running dogs but enjoy the posts on it and the videos i just wondered if there is such a thing as a good dog or just a bad hare? I ask this as there are many arguements on here about shooting hares and its only the ill or the ageing hares that are caught by the dogs and not the case in shooting which takes any hare regardless of fitness, age or illness? Now that video looked to me that the hare was very fit and very my question would the dog in the video classed as a good dog or was it down to the hare having very little escape routes?....... as the others have said lab,,,,, its a very good hare, thats plain to see,,,, yet the dog was better,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the dog in the vid is NOT a good dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its a fecking GREAT DOG So is running hares on the fens solely down to stamina levels then............? no mate the dog needs more than just staminar,,, but of course staminar is needed..............the thing is alot of people crab these dogs saying there slow,,, that just aint the case.. Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 I agree totally with your comment mate, I do think it would take a seriously good dog to catch that hare, probably only a few good dogs would. It was your comments about the scottish flag I was getting at, the fact your a sassanach makes it worse lol. As for not running on the fens so I can't comment, I can comment on what I see surely? I don't think you can mate !!! what you "see" doe'snt give you the "full picture" for instance the ground condition's you heard marcus say it was "heavy" going when the ground's like that on the fen then even to walk a couple of hundred yards hurt's your legs fit or not !! then there's the winds freezing cold easterly wind's blowing straight across the "flat land's" chilling you and your dog to the bone !!! the "camera" does'nt give you the full picture mate !!!! only them that have been and done it really know !!!! my comment on the scot's flag was because i know 90% of scot's lad's would'nt have coursed on the fen's simply because of the distance involved !!! Heavy going and a cold breeze Are you sure you were from Scotland? If this is the worst the fens has to offer....ff's Look, the fens is a large man made expanse of land suited to the dog. I agree it takes a dog with stamina or there wouldn't be so many using them. But you cannot convince me it isn't the most boring form of hare catching ever. See if you guys weren't interested in numbers and were more into it for the sport, it would be far better. Imagine a season where you only coursed speed bomb dogs, yes you wouldn't get the numbers but by f**k it would be made up ten fold by the enjoyment. i would'nt enjoy carrying them of the fen half dead !!!! Tell me carp, how long you had dogs? over 30 year's mate and i've had a dog die due to blood /sugar level's and i've seen "fast thing's" throwing "fit's" after being blown to bit's by a good hare ! hoe long have you had dogs baw 5 minutes or since you got your computer Again jumping to conclusions.... the reason I ask carp is your comment about carrying half dead dogs off the fens as if all speed bombs leave like this. Just cos you have had shite dogs doesn't mean all non saluki dogs are shite. Have you never seen saluki dogs with problems due to coursing or are they superdogs? Your bored again arnt ya Tomo, you got me sussed.... its amazing though tomo, these guys that think anything out with saluki will be carried off the fens as if no c**t ran the fens before the saluki came to these shores... Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 Seems like a good time to ask this question that has bothered me for a while on THl so here goes.......As i dont own running dogs but enjoy the posts on it and the videos i just wondered if there is such a thing as a good dog or just a bad hare? I ask this as there are many arguements on here about shooting hares and its only the ill or the ageing hares that are caught by the dogs and not the case in shooting which takes any hare regardless of fitness, age or illness? Now that video looked to me that the hare was very fit and very my question would the dog in the video classed as a good dog or was it down to the hare having very little escape routes?....... as the others have said lab,,,,, its a very good hare, thats plain to see,,,, yet the dog was better,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the dog in the vid is NOT a good dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its a fecking GREAT DOG So is running hares on the fens solely down to stamina levels then............? no mate the dog needs more than just staminar,,, but of course staminar is needed..............the thing is alot of people crab these dogs saying there slow,,, that just aint the case.. Now I know your at the madam Tomo Quote Link to post
TOMO 27,011 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 Seems like a good time to ask this question that has bothered me for a while on THl so here goes.......As i dont own running dogs but enjoy the posts on it and the videos i just wondered if there is such a thing as a good dog or just a bad hare? I ask this as there are many arguements on here about shooting hares and its only the ill or the ageing hares that are caught by the dogs and not the case in shooting which takes any hare regardless of fitness, age or illness? Now that video looked to me that the hare was very fit and very my question would the dog in the video classed as a good dog or was it down to the hare having very little escape routes?....... as the others have said lab,,,,, its a very good hare, thats plain to see,,,, yet the dog was better,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the dog in the vid is NOT a good dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its a fecking GREAT DOG So is running hares on the fens solely down to stamina levels then............? no mate the dog needs more than just staminar,,, but of course staminar is needed..............the thing is alot of people crab these dogs saying there slow,,, that just aint the case.. Now I know your at the madam Tomo "at the madam" ?? Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 Seems like a good time to ask this question that has bothered me for a while on THl so here goes.......As i dont own running dogs but enjoy the posts on it and the videos i just wondered if there is such a thing as a good dog or just a bad hare? I ask this as there are many arguements on here about shooting hares and its only the ill or the ageing hares that are caught by the dogs and not the case in shooting which takes any hare regardless of fitness, age or illness? Now that video looked to me that the hare was very fit and very my question would the dog in the video classed as a good dog or was it down to the hare having very little escape routes?....... as the others have said lab,,,,, its a very good hare, thats plain to see,,,, yet the dog was better,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the dog in the vid is NOT a good dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,its a fecking GREAT DOG So is running hares on the fens solely down to stamina levels then............? no mate the dog needs more than just staminar,,, but of course staminar is needed..............the thing is alot of people crab these dogs saying there slow,,, that just aint the case.. Now I know your at the madam Tomo "at the madam" ?? Saying salukis aren't slow, c'mon...... Quote Link to post
TOMO 27,011 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? Quote Link to post
TOMO 27,011 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? never herd that,,, must be one of your jock sayings saluki second fastest feck knows were i got that from,,, proberbly from some of the fen boys i go out with ,, think it was in the guiness book of records ......... see you in a bit going to trwal the net to see if im right Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? never herd that,,, must be one of your jock sayings saluki second fastest feck knows were i got that from,,, proberbly from some of the fen boys i go out with ,, think it was in the guiness book of records ......... see you in a bit going to trwal the net to see if im right Might be up there top speed but not acceleration, I reckon the whippet would be second. Quote Link to post
riohog 5,800 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? never herd that,,, must be one of your jock sayings saluki second fastest feck knows were i got that from,,, proberbly from some of the fen boys i go out with ,, think it was in the guiness book of records ......... see you in a bit going to trwal the net to see if im right Might be up there top speed but not acceleration, I reckon the whippet would be second. Saluki may now surpass the Greyhound - Clocked at 40 miles per hour for 3 miles. The fastest Greyhound was clocked at 37.4 m/hr going only 375 yards Quote Link to post
black recking it 730 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 was good to watch if that,s your thing dog,s adapt and are bred to run different type,s of land to suit them and there owner but i have seen faster type,s of dog that would have ended the course much sooner just my opinion cheer,s would like to test my dog,s some day on the fen,s 2 Quote Link to post
riohog 5,800 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? never herd that,,, must be one of your jock sayings saluki second fastest feck knows were i got that from,,, proberbly from some of the fen boys i go out with ,, think it was in the guiness book of records ......... see you in a bit going to trwal the net to see if im right Might be up there top speed but not acceleration, I reckon the whippet would be second. The 1996 edition of the Guinness Book of Records lists a Saluki as being the fastest dog, reaching a speed of 68.8 kilometres (42.8 mi) per hour. Quote Link to post
baw 4,360 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? never herd that,,, must be one of your jock sayings saluki second fastest feck knows were i got that from,,, proberbly from some of the fen boys i go out with ,, think it was in the guiness book of records ......... see you in a bit going to trwal the net to see if im right Might be up there top speed but not acceleration, I reckon the whippet would be second. Saluki may now surpass the Greyhound - Clocked at 40 miles per hour for 3 miles. The fastest Greyhound was clocked at 37.4 m/hr going only 375 yards Away and chip shite at the moon riohog Quote Link to post
leec 132 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 what a load of shite ppl talk,baw yours pulled up on a hare no were near the quality of that one, and you took it home an loved it,fool,,,,,,,,,, Quote Link to post
Lab 10,979 Posted March 6, 2011 Report Share Posted March 6, 2011 who mentioned saluki's,,,,,,,,, as it happens second fastest dog in the world, greyhound being number one,,,,, but what i was getting at,,,, what does at the maddam actualy mean?? at the madam means, pulling someones leg.... kidding..... in jest... is the saluki 2nd fastest? canny see that mate, where you see that? never herd that,,, must be one of your jock sayings saluki second fastest feck knows were i got that from,,, proberbly from some of the fen boys i go out with ,, think it was in the guiness book of records ......... see you in a bit going to trwal the net to see if im right Might be up there top speed but not acceleration, I reckon the whippet would be second. Saluki may now surpass the Greyhound - Clocked at 40 miles per hour for 3 miles. The fastest Greyhound was clocked at 37.4 m/hr going only 375 yards Theres been a greyhound recorded at 41.83 mph....... Quote Link to post
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