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animal management.... (the new term for animal care) a fish shop for two years, and reading a forum............. pppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa   know a bit abo

"hey I am just a fish biology specialist, what do i know" you mean ichthyology   you worked in a fish shop, you now apparently work on a farm whiles not getting your kit off, your 18 and your a

Lol i never paid for mine tbh i did sling him petrol money cos its only common courtesy.I may even considering parting with the more silver looking girlie one once shes healed up

well if you do i would be more than willing to take her off your hands :thumbs:

and stuff her in my tiny 6x3x3 tank

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You are more than welcome to her after living in what i was told was a 3 foot tank although after seeing with my own eyes is 2 ft at best im sure 6 ft wont be too shabby for her at all.My only worry is getting her out my tank lol what a fight they gave the last time getting them in to the tank :blink: Her tail is healing just not as quick as her nose did :thumbdown:

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can i just ask why this poticular fish? There are thousands upon thousands of diffrent speacies available yet you are encouraging people to go for a fish that is totally unsuitable for the average fish tank!

there is also thousands of different species that grow to a size thats too big for most tanks but i dont hear you shouting off about them



channel catfish

syno decorus catfish

columbian shark


texas cychlid (only grow to 8 inches max)oscars

vegetarian pirhana (pacu or silver dollar?)

are just a few fish i've seen grow to enormous sizes but yet they are sold for household tanks

so why all the fuss about this one particular fish?

although non of those fish grow quite as big as yours...fish you should have listed would be giant gourami, shovelnose, arowana etc etc.i do shout about them on fish forums and refuse to sell them when i worked in the trade.AND AS I SAID BEFORE fish do not just grow to the size of the tank...the fish does but its insides dont causing a very early death but hey I am just a fish biology specialist, what do i know? :laugh:


and i hope to god you dont treat your dogs the same way you treat your fish


to finish my final post, heres a pic of my lovley angels

my female when she was young


and my male


and bought these female bettas the other week which do great with angels (not the males though)



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well i'm no fish biologist but i have seen with my own eyes a texas cychlid much bigger than 8 inches


anyway i'm noy going to carry this on for ages


i know the fish in my tanks are healthy and


and my dogs get treated better than i treat myself if you really need to know


cheers john

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pangasius farm fished you all eating at youre chippy now being sold instead of cod ,£17 for box 25x6oz fillets ,now you no why chinkys never skint!

ah yes i have heard of this before....but hey if its more sustainable and tastes the same who cares lol

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"hey I am just a fish biology specialist, what do i know" :laugh: you mean ichthyology :whistling:


you worked in a fish shop, you now apparently work on a farm whiles not getting your kit off, your 18 and your a specialist despite some of your info being wrong regarding your joker round...... i think its time to go off and try and grow up again. your not fooling anyone, not even non specialist this time around!

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"hey I am just a fish biology specialist, what do i know" :laugh: you mean ichthyology :whistling:


you worked in a fish shop, you now apparently work on a farm whiles not getting your kit off, your 18 and your a specialist despite some of your info being wrong regarding your joker round...... i think its time to go off and try and grow up again. your not fooling anyone, not even non specialist this time around!


:notworthy: took the words right out of my mouth

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"hey I am just a fish biology specialist, what do i know" :laugh: you mean ichthyology :whistling:


you worked in a fish shop, you now apparently work on a farm whiles not getting your kit off, your 18 and your a specialist despite some of your info being wrong regarding your joker round...... i think its time to go off and try and grow up again. your not fooling anyone, not even non specialist this time around!

I am qualified in animal management, i worked in the trade for two years, I have since spent every day on a fish forum reading articles from some of the best fishkeepers in the world and giving out advice on forums. my info being wrong? what so i got the size of a fish slightly out what was incorect about anything else i said? If you must know i had a pretty rough time where i had to move area twice and have since had all sorts of jobs. Who are you to judge me or tell me what to do? Who are you to tell me if i can or cant comment on a forum? or spread my opinion on a matter? NO ONE so go f**k yourself :feck:

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Alot of talk around but anyone actually keep any decent fish on here not fish farm imports.


Used to have one of the largest collections of Datnoides Pulcher and also kept Cichla(also all varieties apart from Azul) and freshwater stingrays.

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Alot of talk around but anyone actually keep any decent fish on here not fish farm imports.


Used to have one of the largest collections of Datnoides Pulcher and also kept Cichla(also all varieties apart from Azul) and freshwater stingrays.

now your a real fish keeper. Wish i had the room to house such amazing fish

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You are more than welcome to her after living in what i was told was a 3 foot tank although after seeing with my own eyes is 2 ft at best im sure 6 ft wont be too shabby for her at all.My only worry is getting her out my tank lol what a fight they gave the last time getting them in to the tank :blink: Her tail is healing just not as quick as her nose did :thumbdown:

cheers ethyl


just drop me a pm when she's all fixed up


cheers john

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