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Ok, you've convinced me to give it a go. Who's got a good recipe?


1 Demi John

1lb Sugar

Hot Water

Birch Sap


Fill the Demi John 1/3 full with Birch Sap, Add the sugar,Top with hot water.

Bung Demi John with an airlock and rubber stopper leave in a warm, dark place

for a minimum of 6 months 18 months to 2 years is best


I make it every year,along with home made cider and It'll knock you on your ass

everytime without fail. :drink: = :wacko: = :alcoholic:


ATB Jono :D

Edited by jonoevans
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Here's the recipe I use. Its one of those things that I intend to do every year but often remember when its too late :icon_redface: .

This year I pulled the tube and jar out of storage in time .


For 1 gallon of sap


2 lbs of sugar


handfull of raisins and the juice of a lemon.




I don't add water.Just bring the sap to a simmer and disolve the sugar in it. Then pour it into your bucket or whatever you are going to start fermentation in and add the lemon juice and raisins.

When its cooled to luke warm add the activated yeast.


After 3 or 4 days strain it into demi-johns and fit fermentation locks. Put it somewhere dark and warm and forget about until the bubbling stops . Then strain it or syphon it (being carefull not to stir or suck-up any sediment ) into bottles. Best left at least until Autumn for drinking.

I confess though that I usually end up with a bit left over after the bulk has been bottled. This is my "test" :whistling: sample that goes into a small glass Lucozade bottle and usually gets opened after only a month or so !

Edited by comanche
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