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Nice consistent shooting there pal, good to see.


I think he said he was at 20 yards.


Yes I agree the Air Arms rifles are very accurate and do have a great price tag for what you get.


I think some people pay £1200 for a rifle because of its name as I can’t see how you can improve much on this kind of accuracy. Not the average shooter anyway.


Don’t forget this rifle is straight out the box and shoots with match winning accuracy.


I must also say though that most other PCPs will do exactly what Scott as done here if matched with a correct pellet and time is taken when applying the marksmanship principles.


It’s obvious to me that Scott can shoot a bit and understands the ballistic side of what his pellet is doing at different times throughout its trajectory, this help tonnes when shooting.


Somewhere along the way he has also been taught well by someone. That or he is just a talented natural and picked it up on his own.


Talking about other accurate rifles, I know about 3 weeks ago I shot a 10 shot lased 30 yard group with my new HW100T in .177 at Andy&Archies range from a bench and after 4 shots the 5th shot knocked the other 4 out the back stop. I carried on with the group and the other 5 stacked up on top of each other.


When we (me and Andy) inspected the group size there were 5 pellets on the floor actually on top of each other welded together and the 5 in the backstop were dug out stacked up on each other making a tiny 1 hole group.


Andy was with me when I shot it and witnessed it.


From my own experiences and seeing lads like Davy, Andy and Tony shoot with their rifles I can say that the following rifles do this kind of accuracy pretty as standard from their boxes:


AAS400 / 410


HW100T / KT

BSA r10


FX Verminator


Springer like:




AA Pro Sport

AA TX200 will also do this if the shooter is good enough to match the accuracy of the rifle.


There are loads more that I suspect will do this without paying £1000 for a rifle but I haven’t used or seen it done with them so I am not commenting.


I suppose this is a good reason why we use air rifles for pest control these days when we have accuracy like this with very little over kill.


Well done again Scott for putting up the clip.



Edited by zini
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thanks for the comments lads


can i just say also the tip of the barrel is actually bent slighty from when the sling snapped and hit the floor a few weeks ago and it still performs like this.


range was around 20 yards ( i didnt measure it properly as i was just plinking away in the garden )


i will carry on doing reviews and things as its something i enjoy doing


also will do some reviews about the rifle and also will do a review on the hw100tk i am getting this month sometime.





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