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I'm asking this as total education I am 19 year old and have my own house with girlfriend and 4 kids. I have a jouvenile final warning and a charge of entering enclosed premesis. At 17 I was charged for failure to dispurse and asault.... Which was a diomestic dispute I was a bit of a wild child but have settled for the finer things in life ie whipet air rifle job and family.. Based on these factors would you think I would get approved or rejected for a sgc

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Find the details of your FEO, and have a chat. "Assault" could be grabbing someone's hand, was it "common assault"?


Were you convicted of anything in court? If it wasn't taken to court, then it obviously wasn't serious.


If you can get good referees to confirm that you are settled and are not likely to be a danger to society, then the fact that you have a girlfriend and the four kids will go heavily in your favour.


The police recognise that how you behave as a 17 year old is very different to how a 19 or 20 year old will behave. I'd say it's well worth sticking the application in, or at least getting hold of the FEO and telling him the whole story (don't hide anything, that's far more likely to get you declined than a warning for assault) to see what he thinks.


Edited to add, you say that you were charged with assault and failure to disperse, what was the outcome of this? Did it go to court? Were you convicted? If so what sentence was handed down? These are the relevant things!

Edited by matt_hooks
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