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ferreting on sunday

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:censored: went out sunday morning got 2 the first burrow netted up put a ferret in next min the police came saying we was braking the law i looked at him and said what then he said from 1831 its been band on a sunday anyone had this happen 2 them
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Sounds to me like the copper was a bit confused, i rekon hes got it all round his neck, game shooting is not allowd on sundays but i have never heard of a law that states ferreting isnt allowd. You can shoot rabbits any day of the week, so why not ferret em? :hmm:


So what happened then, did he just say sling your hook, so to speak or what?

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Sounds to me like the copper was a bit confused, i rekon hes got it all round his neck, game shooting is not allowd on sundays but i have never heard of a law that states ferreting isnt allowd. You can shoot rabbits any day of the week, so why not ferret em? :hmm:


So what happened then, did he just say sling your hook, so to speak or what?


he said he had 2 cheek first and was being ok about it he wanted to stay and watch but they said it wouldnt look good as the man was watchin them talking 2 us and just said sling ya hook so we waited for them 2 sling there hook and carryed on :laugh:

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he has got confused with the game laws, rabbits aren't game and can be taken any day of the week (and year) game cant be taken on a sunday etc, read the 1831 game act on the back of a game licence (if anyone still buys them :laugh: )

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Sounds like a well meaning bit of misunderstanding, Beags. As Compo rightly points out; Rabbits are not classed as " Game " or even " Ground Game " (as are Hares, in UK). In fact, they're right in there with rats - a classified Pest.


That's why the old 1800's laws allowed for things such as " Night Poaching ". " Trespass in Pursuit of Game " and " Trespass in Pursuit of Conies ". Thus ye could, last I heard of it, get busted for sneaking in after bun's, all by ye own tailor made law.


But, as ye had permission? 'Hook! :laugh:


Being that close to the cop shop, I'd have stopped play and invited the gavver to stroll down with me and point out, in the Statutes, exactly which law he considered ye could have been breaking. Keep it friendly and he'd no doubt " :icon_redface: ". But it'd certainly become the talk of the station and would, most definately, prevent any further misunderstandings.


And, if I'd been there and done that, it wouldn't have been the first time I'd have given a Constable a quick lesson in the sort of laws I live by either!


Bottom line is that it Really Pays for us ALL to be well versed in the laws we work around :good:

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