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New Permission! about 70 acres

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Yes, just got some new permission, about 70 acres in all, and they have a REAL problem with rabbits, can't go on with dog which I'm a bit disappointed about but never mind, plenty of work to get the ferrets going. Looks like I'm going to need another freezer!!


Will probably be going at the weekend so will let you know how I get on!

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Nothing worse than netting up to find a warren empty. You need a good marking dog as much as you need your ferrets. You might have a hard time digging now as young are about.

Edited by tubba
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Yes, just got some new permission, about 70 acres in all, and they have a REAL problem with rabbits, can't go on with dog which I'm a bit disappointed about but never mind, plenty of work to get the ferrets going. Looks like I'm going to need another freezer!!


Will probably be going at the weekend so will let you know how I get on!


New to the forum and just started ferreting. I'd love to help out if you need any extra help, as I live on West/North Yorkshire border.

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