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torn ear

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Hello, I just got signed up here and wanted some opinions. My lurcher had a hare in trouble yesterday and the hare in a last ditch effort dove through a 4-strand barbwire fence to try and escape. My dog, who's usually an excellent fencer, went right through and caught the hare, but in the process tore a 2" rip in one of his ears. The thing bled and bled, any tips for torn ears? Thanks in advance for any ideas on what to do with these types of injuries.

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Would hurt like hell but silver nitrate but it would be difficult to treat such a large rip with it if the would sit still. You could simple try flour it might help form a clot, ears are notoriously difficult to stop bleeding, one of the reason that many eastern bred Saluki's have their ears cropped.


I would possibly stitch but this obviously has not just happened minutes ago so would be too tender to do now.


With out seeing first hand It's hard to advise and it depends how competent are at treating things yourself, possible time for the vet.


Why the name Saluqi? do you have Saluki's as well as the lurcher?





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Guest Nightwalker
Hello, I just got signed up here and wanted some opinions. My lurcher had a hare in trouble yesterday and the hare in a last ditch effort dove through a 4-strand barbwire fence to try and escape. My dog, who's usually an excellent fencer, went right through and caught the hare, but in the process tore a 2" rip in one of his ears. The thing bled and bled, any tips for torn ears? Thanks in advance for any ideas on what to do with these types of injuries.



Welcome to The Hunting Life mate. Ear wounds always bleed badly, you need to keep some pressure on it, I use absorbant dressings (animal lintex) over here in the UK and tape, or cut off tights (pantyhose) to keep it on. Pressure will stop the bleeding, but the wounds irritate and they tend to shake their heads a lot and so often start them off again.

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Hello, I just got signed up here and wanted some opinions. My lurcher had a hare in trouble yesterday and the hare in a last ditch effort dove through a 4-strand barbwire fence to try and escape. My dog, who's usually an excellent fencer, went right through and caught the hare, but in the process tore a 2" rip in one of his ears. The thing bled and bled, any tips for torn ears? Thanks in advance for any ideas on what to do with these types of injuries.



Welcome to The Hunting Life mate. Ear wounds always bleed badly, you need to keep some pressure on it, I use absorbant dressings (animal lintex) over here in the UK and tape, or cut off tights (pantyhose) to keep it on. Pressure will stop the bleeding, but the wounds irritate and they tend to shake their heads a lot and so often start them off again.



Thanks, and thanks for the welcome, looks like a forum covering all of the necessities in life, though I didn't see a beer catergory. The pantyhose is a great idea. He's fine now, no more bleeding, got him sleeping in my truck all day while I'm here at work, the other dogs would surely open the wound again if I left him home.

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