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had an accident last week

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last week when on a job i was tightening the drill for the mixer and burned my finger and palm of my hand, the pain is getting worse sometimes get the pins and needles feeling. Do you reckon its time to go to the doctors? :thumbs:

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get the docters mate ,them hands are your livlyhood

Where there's blame there's a claim.

Unfortunately your self employed and the only one to blame is youselfe for being a dense c**t.




Good luck with that one.



i've really offended you haven't I? You leach!



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if its worrying you that much go to the doctors, incase youve done serious damage to your hand




















(are you sure you burnt it and havent injured it pulling at a certain part of your anatomy :hmm:)

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if its worrying you that much go to the doctors, incase youve done serious damage to your hand


(are you sure you burnt it and havent injured it pulling at a certain part of your anatomy :hmm:)


wish it was a wanking injury atleast i'd of got some enjoyment out of it.

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if its worrying you that much go to the doctors, incase youve done serious damage to your hand


(are you sure you burnt it and havent injured it pulling at a certain part of your anatomy :hmm:)


wish it was a wanking injury atleast i'd of got some enjoyment out of it.


just checking that "tightening the drill" wasnt a new fangled euthemism for wanking :laugh:

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last week when on a job i was tightening the drill for the mixer and burned my finger and palm of my hand, the pain is getting worse sometimes get the pins and needles feeling. Do you reckon its time to go to the doctors? :thumbs:

dont be such a pussy and get on with it :yes:

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last week when on a job i was tightening the drill for the mixer and burned my finger and palm of my hand, the pain is getting worse sometimes get the pins and needles feeling. Do you reckon its time to go to the doctors? :thumbs:

dont be such a pussy and get on with it :yes:

pussy??? hard as f**k son. :laugh:

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