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f**king smell

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Im immune to the ferret smell aswell lol. Also if it helps to know if you have them neutered it reduces the smell of them dramatically. & no it doesnt affect their working ability lol.   If the

I kept an entire hob in the house for about a year & his bedding was changed a couple of times a week & the floor in his cage daily & to be honest there wasnt a great deal of smell

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i just got myself a ferret 2 day, and f**k it smells real bad!!!


Another newbie with no idea about keeping ferrets. How long before it is moved on? :wallbash:



We're all newbies at some point though, and many of us [ like me :) ] go on to be devoted and responsible owners. I do remember being a bit taken aback about the pong of my first ferrets. I'm inured to it now :laugh:

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hi guys i have kept a lot of ferrets and i use a product called Fenol its a very strong smelling disenfectant i dont know if u have it over there but it works a treat just clean out their cage with it every two weeks and if on concrete do that to you will hardly notice it

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