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Lads from Ligoniel Belfast

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My lurcher bitch that went missing on 10th feb 2011, has been spotted in the Ligoniel area of Belfast, round the flush and bogahill area...spent the whole day searching and putting up posters of the bitch so any help or sightings would be much appreciated!


From previous post she bull x bitch, mainly blue with white chest, nose and socks! With discolouration between her two eyes!


Please help if you can, GOOD REWARD OFFERED FOR RETURN OR INFO RESULTING IN RETURN....ps all will be kept confidential!


Txt or pm me...Niall 07547306389.

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Cheers mate.....been trying all the pounds, I think someone has her....and i'm hopin to god they honest enough to hand her back!

is that the bitch was getting minded and got out was stop by few fellas looking for it but keep eye out over west


Yea, same bitch! We flat out trying to find her!!!

You will most likely see posters up your neck of the woods, spent all day yesterday putting them up!

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As you no mate all of us no what your bitch looks like. from on here if some One has her I think the best bet to do is give her back to her owner as she is a well missed bitch. They no its not there dog so they would need to give her back . If not. some 1 from over here will see her an the guy. Who has her will not. Be a very happy man when they come for her ...... hope you get her soon. Atb dean

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As you no mate all of us no what your bitch looks like. from on here if some One has her I think the best bet to do is give her back to her owner as she is a well missed bitch. They no its not there dog so they would need to give her back . If not. some 1 from over here will see her an the guy. Who has her will not. Be a very happy man when they come for her ...... hope you get her soon. Atb dean


Thanks dean, very Glad to hear there will be people looking out for her!

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