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First lamping session at the new rabbit permission

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hey all


so tonight i headed out to our new rabbit shooting permission. wasnt too bothered about bagging anything just wanted to check it out at night.


so i arrived there at around 6:30


got s410 out of the bag aswell as other bits and hopped over the fence into the permission.


i started walking up the road inside the permission whilst checking out a small patch to the right. OMG there was loads around 20 i could see.


a few were startled by my light and ran off but i got a good aim on a sitter around 30-35m and thwack down it went :gunsmilie:


next i started to walk further into the land having a look around to see what was about.


i wandered into a larger field at the back and saw around 10 that hopped away, so i sat by the hedge line for around 5 minutes then flicked my torch on to see 2 bunnies just kicking back relaxing - bang down one went at 40m and the other sprinted for his life.


time passed by as i saw less and less.


after gutting the two rabbits which were both pregnant i started to walk back down the road towards the car as i spotted a few in the first feild so i got down took aim, 2 dot holdover and boom - beautiful 50m headshot


so i gutted him and buggered off.


so heres a piccy




hope you like



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Nice one scott, good shooting, 50m is a cracking shot, its 2 mil dots for me aswel :thumbs:


You will have them fields cleared in no time shooting like that.


.atb. .ste.



ye i heard the thwack and the bugger flipped so far out my sight it took around 5 minutes to find.


.177 mildots are quite handy as i zero at 30m and the dots go in 10m increments - nice and easy.





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