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Crossing of the sight with the scent? Is this successful?

Staghound / Scent Hound Cross  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Will a cross of a scent hound into a staghound produce a better hound?

    • Yes, awesome cross
    • No, terrible idea - let the dog be who they really are
    • Could work but could have a lot of culls
    • I should be taken behind the barn and shot for a ? like this

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Of course this may be a green horn question but I am a split of scent, sighthound and lurcher wanting of a hound. I can only take one more in and don't know which way to really go. I want a dog that can hunt coyote, fox, coon and rabbit ( I know I have my work cut out for myself). I am looking for those all around dogs that can multiple types of game during any season. Is this a cross of success or just wasting the time of myself with thinking if you have a traditional staghound that really has that chase in their blood with a scent hound that can trail a scent. Yes there are exceptions to this rule of a hound doing better than the norm but sights are made for speed and catch whereas the scent is made for trailing and catch sometime. Crossing the two would give a lurcher style that could possible trail and have the high gear and longevity of a stag. Just wondering your thoughts.

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thanks for the advice there, just wondering seeing a sight hound like that working in the states is probably hard to find. Hell it took me a couple of months to find staghound people who actually hard hunted their dogs. Sighthounds are far behind than most of you guys from across the pond.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Drahthaars do all that and more.


I wonder if a cross with a good working Deerhound or Staghound would make a better yote and hog dog. Would we then lose too many of the other qualities?


How cold of a nose do you need? My DD will do 3 day old tracks on wounded game, but only hot trails unwounded. Fine for me, most all my hunting is on relatively small Public areas. (Relative to what I'd want for cold nosed hounds.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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