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testical problem

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my pup is 6 mouths an only has one testical is this normal can the other one still drop or do i need to castrat him if so will it make any differts to him working :(


I would get the vet to have a look , if its left up there & dont drop it could be quite dangerious and end up cancerious :(

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Had 2 pups in a litter a few years back both with one ball decended one vet looks at large Stafford and says catrate or cancer the other Vet says wait and see [bANNED TEXT] happens...............................

Today one is Fat and Castrated the other has made a Grandfather of my dog and produced some good pups from what iam told.

Wait and see [bANNED TEXT] happens mate is my advice 6 months old is only really a puppy


Had 2 pups in a litter a few years back both with one ball decended one vet looks at large Stafford and says catrate or cancer the other Vet says wait and see [bANNED TEXT] happens...............................

Today one is Fat and Castrated the other has made a Grandfather of my dog and produced some good pups from what iam told.

Wait and see [bANNED TEXT] happens mate is my advice 6 months old is only really a puppy



Oh dear the "BANNED" word is What or how i spellt it W.O.T (sorry)

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Wait until the dog is at least 12 months old, some dogs take longer than others. If it still hasn't dropped i'd get him done mate. If you breed from a dog with only one ball then som eof the progeny will have the same problem as it's hereditary. Regarding the working bit, a castrated dog will work just as well as an entire. :D

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I agree, remove the retained testicle if nec, but I would wait untill the dog is around 16 mths at least. Obviously the dog cant be used at stud as it is an inherited problem, but removing only the retained testicle will mean no issues associated with catration. Getting fat is not a valid excuse IMO, thats the owners issue not the dog, weight is easily controlled. Some longer coated or wirey coated dogs will become soft and thicker coated which is not ideal.


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