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Pot fillers

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I still eat rabbit at least once a week I cook a huge vat of stew prob 4 or 5 rabbits after that nights tea the rest goes in pies and is frozen if the freezer is over flowing they are cooked for the d

i have a bitch here now that fills my freezer the game dealers fridge and any orders i get down the pub. she is no world beater by far but can hunt catch and retrieve fur and feather on land or retrie

to me that's the point of having a lurcher besides the feeling you get from enjoying watching them do what there bred for, if i don't eat what we catch dogs,friends,family are more than willing to tak

I don't think a lurcher would have been the best supplier of food when times were hard to be honest, it would be another mouth to feed. I know my grandad lived through hard times and he was a well known poacher. Got most of his game using snares.



Come on baw.Agood dog can feed itself and fill the pot no probs.

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few years ago when I only had six pound a week spare for food thats exactly what I did do,, myself and my two /three year old ate what the dog caught, fur or feather,, one duck could last three meals, one rabbit could last four,, i was able to exchange meat for eggs from a lady round the corner, and i'd get fresh veg from up the road,, joys of living in a village i suppose! managed to get HUGE bags of rice from london when visiting family for pence and I made my own bread.. ironically those days were probably the best we ever ate, all fresh produce cooked simply. however i will admit when she came in season or was injured, lentils and cous cous soon got boring :thumbdown: wouldn't say this is a topic for times gone by or for mature members, more for people who valued what their dogs caught in regards to edible meat.


even now i think nothing beats a really simple stew with maybe four very fresh ingedients!


mind you with rise of VAT, food prices and fuel it may become a lot more common once more..


all the best fallow

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I love the romantic notion of the lurcher feeding the family but can i ask, and this is probably better aimed at lurcher owners who kept them a few years ago. Have any of our members actually genuinely used a lurcher to help them through tough times, by putting food on the table and perhaps the game dealers/butchers trays......


Yes, rabbit pie, rabbit stew, pigeon casserole, pheasant, venison, hare, trout, salmon, vegetables from fields and allotments, my kids used to eat it regular but stopped when they were older ., I still eat it all,when I can get it friends donate fish and pheasants from shoots etc, I supply rabbits in exchange, also sell the rabbits to hound trail men as dog food, not many still do this with the ready meals and microwaves hahah, stuff that.

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I've loved reading through this thread. :thumbs:


Must admit when i looked at getting a rabbit dog it was partly through need as well as loving to work dogs for what they were bred for. I will be waiting til next season to start my pup off but fully intend to make the best possible use of whatever she catches, the way things are going right now we will actually need what the dog provides. This country just gets worse every year/government for screwing it's citizens :thumbdown:

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i agree fallow buck i to see the old times coming back, the way the goverment is squeezing the working man we'll end up back hunting out of need aswell as picking your own fruit and veg etc [in the dark],i think people have lived of there lurchers and i think they will again.

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