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And to make matters worse, he had a family of 8 lol


What was that ? ..Two kids, a goat, three chickens and a pair of ferrets ?? Ba, you crack me up !! Keep 'em coming, mate !!




LOL C, he did, 5 boys and 3 girls..... randy auld c**t. :laugh: He could snare anything mate, rabbit/hare/fox/deer if it had a leg or a neck he could snare it and did :thumbs:


Canny craic, as we say doon here in the borders !!




I even seen him snare a sea trout :thumbs: You'd be amazed what a knowledgeable man can catch with wire.


catching troute or salmon with a snare aint hard .........


:laugh: Is it not? Makes you wonder if it is that easy most salmon poachers risk all by using nets :blink:


sorry fella didnt realise your old grandpa is the only man in the world who can catch game with a wire .... the reason people use a drag net on the river is that you can get in and out quickly catching the maximum amount of fish in the shortest time .... but if you want one for the pot you aint going to carry a fecking 50 yard 15 yard drop drag net are you ??? no you will carry a snare in and out with a fish in minuets .........


I never said he was the only one who could catch salmon with a wire, it was your comment saying it was easy, I can assure you, it is far from easy. Boiling an egg, buttering toast, scratching your baws is easy, snaring a salmon isn't. How many folk reading this could honestly say they could go to a river tomorrow and snag a salmon? Not many I can assure you. I agree with you regarding the net but you must agree, that is easier than snaring a salmon and is more likely to get you caught and also marks the salmon. I can't be arsed arguing with you to be honest, if you think snaring a salmon is easy, fair do's :thumbs:


i was taught how to snare salmon and tickle trout from the age of 10 and believe me it aint hard. i used to jump over the old dears gate walk 20 meters to the river tawe and be back in 10 mins with a salmon ......

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I still eat rabbit at least once a week I cook a huge vat of stew prob 4 or 5 rabbits after that nights tea the rest goes in pies and is frozen if the freezer is over flowing they are cooked for the d

i have a bitch here now that fills my freezer the game dealers fridge and any orders i get down the pub. she is no world beater by far but can hunt catch and retrieve fur and feather on land or retrie

to me that's the point of having a lurcher besides the feeling you get from enjoying watching them do what there bred for, if i don't eat what we catch dogs,friends,family are more than willing to tak

yes is the answer to that when i was young my dogs and my catty kept us in food during the hard times i even poched a few allotments for veggys try not to make a mess so know one would know id been there ,it was only back in the 80s but we were skint as my farther was locked up and we were stopped in a layby near hemel hemstead and we were very glad of the food infact it turned out to be a great time for me as i was out hunting allday 6 days a week and my mum let me of going to school for it untill me dad came home and we were of again making money ,since then i have judged my dogs on weather they could do what my old bitch tela could do by feeding 4 people infact when my kids are older im gonna see if they can do it for us for a week just to see if then can theres no need for it these days for us but be nice4 to know haha

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yes is the answer to that when i was young my dogs and my catty kept us in food during the hard times i even poched a few allotments for veggys try not to make a mess so know one would know id been there ,it was only back in the 80s but we were skint as my farther was locked up and we were stopped in a layby near hemel hemstead and we were very glad of the food infact it turned out to be a great time for me as i was out hunting allday 6 days a week and my mum let me of going to school for it untill me dad came home and we were of again making money ,since then i have judged my dogs on weather they could do what my old bitch tela could do by feeding 4 people infact when my kids are older im gonna see if they can do it for us for a week just to see if then can theres no need for it these days for us but be nice4 to know haha


lotty raidin hard times bring out the best in some folks we had that many chucks off of the lottys they put steel sheds up but they never figured on us chucking the dog through the bob hole ive a lotty myself now and its all booby trapped lol :thumbs:

I still go gleaning the farmers fields im led to believe you have 24 hrs to take whats left after they have harvested atb.

Edited by juckler123
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I still eat rabbit at least once a week I cook a huge vat of stew prob 4 or 5 rabbits after that nights tea the rest goes in pies and is frozen if the freezer is over flowing they are cooked for the dogs I also eat hare pigeon venison on a regular basis.I sometimes have as many as 10 to 15 dogs here and it rarely costs me more than ten pounds a month in food and that is often spent by the kids on stupid treats or chews.I swop game for bacon and pork chops from the local butcher and raise chicken that I get from the local chicken farm in exchange for pest control, they grow chickens for eating the type that grow really quickly and when left to grow a little longer often get as much as a stone in weight.The land the rabbits come off grows veg so my food bill could if needs be nothing at all .I also give game to a few old folk when asked .A good dog should easily be able to feed itself and a few others be it other dogs or people.

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anyone heard of Coke Robinson from Humberside way?


heard he could fill a pot or 50 back in the day...

yep i know him mate...............

but my dogs were scruffier.lol........................

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times have changed dramastically




Seriously? It's beyond anything I can do for this poor soul now folks.


Ok times have Drastically changed..........there you go, hows that for your platter?




Well I'm sorry lads, but my grandfather and I may add my grandmother was better than all of yours put together. They had a wealth of knowledge, and they were cool!


Now stick that in your chicken pens and brood......



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times have changed dramastically




Seriously? It's beyond anything I can do for this poor soul now folks.


Ok times have Drastically changed..........there you go, hows that for your platter?




Well I'm sorry lads, but my grandfather and I may add my grandmother was better than all of yours put together. They had a wealth of knowledge, and they were cool!


Now stick that in your chicken pens and brood......





Aye mate, but ma granpa had bigger balls than yours, at least so he says. ! :ninja:

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