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bi pod problems

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hi all has an one ever had problems with the long harris bi pods i have just fitted to my 22.250 and it is throwing my zero all over the place its the recoil is throwing it off i zeroed at twenty five yards moved back to 100 and i couldnt even hit my zero board put a short bi pod i borowed off a freind on and the rifle shoots perfect has any one else found this or do you think the bi pod is faulty any replies will be apreciated cheers

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i,ve been on a tallish 18/24 inch bipod for 4 weeks and could not hit a cows arse with a shovel.then got a smaller one 9/13 inch and put 3 in bull at 100 yards 1st go.i was only having trouble shooting from prone, was told it would be bipod that was causing the trouble and to try a smaller one.it worked for me. stav

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A few things to check.


1) Did you fit a quick release stud? If so, is it touching the barrel?

2) Have you fitted the bi-pod the correct way around? If not, the rifle will not recoil correctly

3) Is the stock touching the barrel when you are using the bi-pod?

4) Like all new shooting positions, you need to shoot relaxed and naturally. Is your shooting technique good? Make sure the rifle is in a natural point of aim and that you are not canting or twisting the rifle before you take the shot.



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Interesting point there John about the stock touching the barrel. When you think of it all that weight pushing down with the barrel and mod and then the bipod mounted right on the thinest front part of the stock, something could definately give and alter the accuracy of a floating barrel. That said I've never had a problem with any bipod but the longer they are the more difficult to keep steady, but that shouldn't really be a problem shooting 100yrds.

Does the smaller bipod you tried mount any differently?

If you are happy with a smaller one just stick an add in the swap section. Most people want longer ones there's a good chance it wouldn't cost a penny to swap it. :thumbs:

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I use my bipods mounted on the guns with their legs pointed forwards down the barrel when in the folded position. No problems with accuracy. I have made up an adapter for a photographic tripod which allows me to shoot standing up with a stable platform. A bit heavy to carry around but I tend to be a bit old and stationary so not a problem, with it I can reliably take standing 150 yard plus head shots on rabbits with the HMR. Laying down on the golf course grass is ok with a short bipod but not in the tall weeds at the edge of a field. I don't do stealthy crawling!!


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