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PCP rifle storage...

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I intend to have all my guns annually serviced! By someone who knows what he is doing as well, so I can be sure I am safe and legal! Know a good gunsmith who charges £16.50 + parts and VAT for a service on a springer! Seeing as PCPs in theory should be easier to service, allegedly I hasten to add, alledgedly, he will be looking after her if I get her. I would be prepared to have a bash at changing external seals though. I also think I am going to go down the air pump route rather than the tank route as well, seens some good advice on air pumps on pyramid...

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I would be very surprised if you can get a pcp serviced for that, unless he is making loads on the seals, wich I doubt as they are under a tenner for a full pack, but hey if hes doing it for that thats great and take full advantage of that offer :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.

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I thought they would be easier in theory, proves how little I know about PCP guns! That is why I am doing my homework first. I will have a word with him on Monday and see what he says. I know how much he charges for a springer and that is £16.50 + spares + VAT and he is trusted by people with some very expensive weapons. We also like the guy, he has been a gun smith all his working life and he is great to deal with. So now it is just a question of getting all the facts together and showing them to she who must be obeyed and who is buying my birthday present!

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Good grief, well live and learn, but I do not think I would ever take my guns to a gunsmith or dealer who did not have an FAC!



I would be prepared to have a bash at changing external seals though.



How things change , was only the other day you questioned the integrity of my local RFD and insisted that only a registered FAC holder would look at your guns :whistling:

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My gunsmith holds an FAC and is an RFD! SO Buster, how things don't change.

He works on springers, pcp, shotguns, rim fires, all sorts of weapons, damned decent bloke too!


If you noticed I said external seal, such as the one on the filler probe or on the bottle. That is not an internal part so I would not damage any gun internals by changing those seals. I am not touching the internals!

Edited by secretagentmole
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