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I think doing something is better than doing nothing

It will just be the fox hunts!! they already making deals behid our back, The HRA http://www.themastersvoice.co.uk/2009-february/hunting-regulatory-authority.php is all about packs , so we are f****d

well i,ve recieved a letter headed house of commons ,which then goes on 2 say,thankyou for your email.i will,of course make your views known to the goverment and i wil get intouch again when i recieve a responce.


i can confirm that i surrport the current law as it stands :wallbash:


anybody else getting any letters ,and what did your local m.p say,i hope that theirs is m.p out theirs that dosen,t agree with the current law and takes it the house of commons ,so i think my email was in vain but hope others wern,t,

Edited by rocky1
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well i,ve recieved a letter headed house of commons ,which then goes on 2 say,thankyou for your email.i will,of course make your views known to the goverment and i wil get intouch again when i recieve a responce.


i can confirm that i surrport the current law as it stands :wallbash:


anybody else getting any letters ,and what did your local m.p say,i hope that theirs is m.p out theirs that dosen,t agree with the current law and takes it the house of commons ,so i think my email was in vain but hope others wern,t,



Typical, I thought M.P's Where supposed to stand for the same things as their constituants, They shouldn't be allowed to tell you what they support and what they dont, they are supposed to be fair and unbiased.

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well i,ve recieved a letter headed house of commons ,which then goes on 2 say,thankyou for your email.i will,of course make your views known to the goverment and i wil get intouch again when i recieve a responce.


i can confirm that i surrport the current law as it stands :wallbash:


anybody else getting any letters ,and what did your local m.p say,i hope that theirs is m.p out theirs that dosen,t agree with the current law and takes it the house of commons ,so i think my email was in vain but hope others wern,t,



Typical, I thought M.P's Where supposed to stand for the same things as their constituants, They shouldn't be allowed to tell you what they support and what they dont, they are supposed to be fair and unbiased.

i know thats just the country we live in nowadays ,theirs no way she going but my case 2 the goverment when she dose,t even stand by it herself ,anyone else recieved any letters yet and what did your local m.p say?

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I received a letter like you Rocky all I can say is anyone in the Caerphilly area DO NOT VOTE FOR WAYNE DAVID!!!I took the **** out with the Gelligaer hunt a few years ago and he said he enjoyed the day and had second thoughts about hunting now the guy says he supports a ban grrrrr TYPICAL POLITICIAN


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I received a letter like you Rocky all I can say is anyone in the Caerphilly area DO NOT VOTE FOR WAYNE DAVID!!!I took the **** out with the Gelligaer hunt a few years ago and he said he enjoyed the day and had second thoughts about hunting now the guy says he supports a ban grrrrr TYPICAL POLITICIAN


for those m.p that don,t share our views don,t vote ,name then so we all know who they are,this is mine bridget.philipson houghton and sunderland south constituency and our lass has informed she the women that judges the kids local goodfriday fancydress in the local social club so it looks i,ll be haveing few words next month ,

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PAT CLASS, f*****g anti c**t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she said it was cruel! so i asked her why lord burns said it was no more crueler than anyother form of hunting! still not got back to be!

Edited by graham4877
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well done guys, every little helps and any reversal in the act is a step in the right direction and gives move leverage to get all the ban overturned. luckily we haven't experienced the ban over here but i can speak for all the hunting folk this side of the pond and say we wish ye the best and keep the preassure on, once doubt sets in it sets the wheels in motion, there is light at the end of the tunnel for all field sports. atb

Edited by fox digger
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do you think this will get the whole bill over turned or just the fox hunts , i think i know which one

It will just be the fox hunts!! they already making deals behid our back, The HRA http://www.themastersvoice.co.uk/2009-february/hunting-regulatory-authority.php is all about packs , so we are f****d!

they asked us to stand as one with them, and now they gonna drop us like a bag of shit!





I aint voting the above guys are right.Only the snobs get fox hunting with dogs.

Edited by bladetech
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do you think this will get the whole bill over turned or just the fox hunts , i think i know which one

It will just be the fox hunts!! they already making deals behid our back, The HRA http://www.themastersvoice.co.uk/2009-february/hunting-regulatory-authority.php is all about packs , so we are f****d!

they asked us to stand as one with them, and now they gonna drop us like a bag of shit!





I aint voting the above guys are right.Only the snobs get fox hunting with dogs.

waste of time of you got a m.p like mine :censored:

Edited by rocky1
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do you think this will get the whole bill over turned or just the fox hunts , i think i know which one

It will just be the fox hunts!! they already making deals behid our back, The HRA http://www.themastersvoice.co.uk/2009-february/hunting-regulatory-authority.php is all about packs , so we are f****d!

they asked us to stand as one with them, and now they gonna drop us like a bag of shit!





"I aint voting the above guys are right.Only the snobs get fox hunting with dogs."


thats a very big generalisation mate, i hunt with my local hunt and i aint a snob. haven said that i do agree there is a certain amount of heirarchy still involved in fox hunting but i go simply to watch and admire the hound work. so much so that i got my own pack of foot beagles going and flush to lurchers also. its very easy to sit in a corner and throw out unsupported comments like that but at the end of the day we all looking for the same thing, to carry on hunting. seriously tho i am no snob, one hunt here split and formed two seperate hunts for for this reason, the normal down to earth folk are now one pack called the farmers but the original hunt still has its heirs and graces but i tink you cant paint all those who follow hounds on horse back with the one brush. out of order IMHO. atb.

Edited by fox digger
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well done guys, every little helps and any reversal in the act is a step in the right direction and gives move leverage to get all the ban overturned. luckily we haven't experienced the ban over here but i can speak for all the hunting folk this side of the pond and say we wish ye the best and keep the preassure on, once doubt sets in it sets the wheels in motion, there is light at the end of the tunnel for all field sports. atb



You got room for a lodger, and a couple more dogs? :whistling:

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well done guys, every little helps and any reversal in the act is a step in the right direction and gives move leverage to get all the ban overturned. luckily we haven't experienced the ban over here but i can speak for all the hunting folk this side of the pond and say we wish ye the best and keep the preassure on, once doubt sets in it sets the wheels in motion, there is light at the end of the tunnel for all field sports. atb



You got room for a lodger, and a couple more dogs? :whistling:

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