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Out again 2!

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OK, back again, off to permission. Owner got the horse off, and the wind was blowing down the site, decided this time to try to go stealthy, so no tent, one gun and me game bag. I started stealthy down the edge of the hedgerow. Thinking about it this might not be wise, as I think their burrows are under the edge by the hedge! Got a good group of rabbits feeding in the middle of the track. Trouble was they were down wind of me and there was no other cover or way to approach.


Down onto crouch/crawl, trying like hell to avoid the blasted brambles, but they got wind when I was just about ready to aim and legged it. So I missed those. Never mind, There will be more, I got into the corner and waited. No bunnies appeared, so I examined the edges and the fence, plenty of scrapes. So I kept to the edges, trying to make it so I was not too noisy. The light faded and os I switched on my light. Went along the bottom and what did I see? A rabbit, sitting there, looking at me, so I dropped to the floor, tried a crawl, got to what I thought was 35 yards, bunny was still looking at me, so I tried to line up a shot, I swear as I pulled the trigger the bugger flattened himself! Then he legged it!


So today I got a look at some, got a shot at one and missed, I have to practise my fieldcraft I think!


Edited to say that I think the weather should be good for another go tomorrow, so will go to the range, get everything set and checked then down to the permission and see what I can do tomorrow, get ready for mole, episode 3!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Update, just been advised by Andy that my miss on the lamped bun may be due to POI change because of the torch under the silencer, makes sense to me, should have lifted her up a dot I think! Will try to find my cap lamp for tomorrow, so go down armed with me mechanics head light and see if I can get one...

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you could also try mounting the lamp on top of your scope.


keep at them the only way to get better at fieldcraft is to practice....... then practice some more......... once you think your getting better practice a bit more. you'll get there.


regards and best of luck P

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Mole update, taking Webley out instead of the Diana today, moved torch to a side mound on the scope mounts (cable ties are fantastic). Will go down and attempt to do the impossible again and bag a bunny! At least I am learning. Oh and by the way for those of you reading who know mole, I have covered up the Truglo Optic sights with insulating tape! I have read elsewhere on these forums that using a lamp with the Truglo can lead to problems with light flare at the bottom of the scope, so I took avoiding steps! Wind variable but should not be too much of a problem. Sky overcast, which is good, temperature 14 degrees c, so cry havoc and let loose the AA Field Diablos of war!

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Take the lamp off your gun's scope, Mole, that will not solve your problem.


Do a zero check with the lamp off as normal, then try it again with the lamp mounted ANYWHERE on your springer and see the difference.


You mustn't go out after live quarry after you've changed anything without testing it first!!! :icon_eek:

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