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I'm pretty sure that if you talk reasonably to your gunsmith first and arrange with him to take the unlicensed rifle to his premises for returning to legal limits, he would do it without getting his knickers in a twist and confiscating the rifle for the police.


If however, he says that's what he'll do if you approach him, he's a bloody waste of business and not to be bothered with in future.


Common sense and reason or pedantic application of the law.


Years ago, before I had an FAC, I had an Original 45 .22 air rifle confiscated by an RFD who used the law to confiscate my rifle, despite the fact that I approached him reasonably to return the rifle to legal limits. Cue years later and he turns up with the shooting syndicate that shoots on my brother's farmland looking for permission...


Permission denied. He was instructed never to approach us for shooting permission ever again. And my friend Ian whose land I shoot over, denied him permission too.



Edited by pianoman
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Simon surely that is theft, you had returned it to him to modify it, you had asked him beforehand and he had agreed to do the work, knowing it was overpowered and all you were seeking to return it to a legal limit, therefore you had an agreement to return the gun to a legal status, which is not illegal. Even the police would agree it was theft and you would have been able to get the idiot arrested, which I believe could have well knackered his FAC, after all he was using it to commit theft!

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Simon surely that is theft, you had returned it to him to modify it, you had asked him beforehand and he had agreed to do the work, knowing it was overpowered and all you were seeking to return it to a legal limit, therefore you had an agreement to return the gun to a legal status, which is not illegal. Even the police would agree it was theft and you would have been able to get the idiot arrested, which I believe could have well knackered his FAC, after all he was using it to commit theft!


i think you mean his RFD licence not his FAC mate



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Surely matey dealer has to have an FAC as well as his RFD?


Strangely no. There is no requirement to hold an FAC to hold an RFD. You can get development RFD certs which allow you to carry and fire the rifles too (most gunsmiths have these to allow for testing) but a normal RFD certificate doesn't allow the use of the weapons, only possession for the purpose of business.

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yes, because when he fixes your car and cannot test the blasted thing who are you going to blame when the darned brakes don't work or the steering fails as it was not tested under road conditions? I believe that an excellent gunsmith should hold an FAC and enjoy the sport as well, because that way I know he enjoys what he is doing!


The same way I would not trust a mechanic who cannot drive to fix a car or my motorbikes! If they cannot test it properly I would not trust them to fix it at all! But it is the person who is paying for it at the end of the day, I would just rather my gun was fixed by someone who could fire it, especially if it required a Firearm Certificate!

Edited by secretagentmole
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