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Rabbit fleas

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Hi Lads and lasses


was just wondering as am planning to get ferrets in the summer, when i got back from lamping other night i noticed the rabbits were jumping with fleas and as i am planning on feeding my ferrets on rabbit! will they pass on to the ferrets???




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Hi mate the fleas dont live on ferrets but will stay on them long enough to find a new host, they can theoretically live there for up to 3 months, same on dogs. You can get flea bites off them and they are a pain but just leave them on the ground as they have told you and most will leave when the rabbit cools. I freeze rabbits whole for my ferrets guts and all, this kills off any fleas and also tape worms, they are more of a concern. We have hundreds of rabbits in the van every month and never see a flea so dont fret too much, if your bothered about them put a sprinkling of flea powder in the ferrets bedding that will sort it.

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