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best ever coursing dogs

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just started reading about coursing dog just wondered who was the best ever coursing dog

A question that can never be satisfactorily answered.

All we can do is name some of the greats of the field.







These spring immediately to my mind.


Others could include.






Roxy[braddies bitch]






Many others might qualify ,its personal preference really

some old names there inan :victory:
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It's an impossible question to answer because there has been dogs that have never been "matched" or entered competitions but have been great all their lives. Some people over the years have kept themselves to themselves or went out with friends only, and their dogs have done fantastic. If you only want to talk about "Fen Dogs", then there will many different opinions, but the "Fen Dogs" aren't the only good hare dogs; there's pleanty top dogs that run in Yorkshire, Northumberland and Scotland, etc.



frank and honest answer
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watched a movie couple of days ago hare coursing from 1987 to 1992 wasnt impressed with the law given for the hares the money was ridicolous and the dogs put up are meant to be quality i must admit the merlin and eve stuff did look the part

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watched a movie couple of days ago hare coursing from 1987 to 1992 wasnt impressed with the law given for the hares the money was ridicolous and the dogs put up are meant to be quality i must admit the merlin and eve stuff did look the part

true :victory:
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