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middle east

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so what country do you reckon next is gonna kick off next.Did you see that crazy b*****d gadaffi with the brolly on tv lol bet the yanks are shitting it that saudi will be next.On a more serious note though.this could be the start of something very sinister if the wrong crowd get in.I know there are some who believe that the people have got back thier freedom,but i still think there will be no good come out of all this.

Edited by scothunter
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Don't know about Middle East but I would say it's a dead cert something will happen with North/South Korea and when it does it won't be pretty.

Middle east is the toilet of the world anyway.





oh i agree mate,id turn the whole middle east into the biggest car park in the world.dangerous f*****g place,and the root to all the shit happening in the world today.quicker we have a viable alternative source of fuel the better.then we can watch them kill each other and not give a shit.

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Don't know about Middle East but I would say it's a dead cert something will happen with North/South Korea and when it does it won't be pretty.

Middle east is the toilet of the world anyway.





oh i agree mate,id turn the whole middle east into the biggest car park in the world.dangerous f*****g place,and the root to all the shit happening in the world today.quicker we have a viable alternative source of fuel the better.then we can watch them kill each other and not give a shit.




It's as if I wrote that myself!.



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Theres alot of potential shit brewing in the world right now. It amazes me that some people want to get shot of or reduce our nuclear deterent :icon_eek:. Too many fruit loops with worrying levels of technology to be locking away our big guns.


I believe that MI5 class the Chinese (after the Russians) to be the next largest threat of espianage to this country, and they are predicted to be THE worlds superpower within a decade.


Slightly off topic...


However, I agree completely, we are interfering with shit we really shouldnt be and the best course of action has to be to starve these violent little feckers economically and let the nutters murder each other untill theres some kind of stability. THEN steal their oil, much safer! lol

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Theres alot of potential shit brewing in the world right now. It amazes me that some people want to get shot of or reduce our nuclear deterent :icon_eek:. Too many fruit loops with worrying levels of technology to be locking away our big guns.


I believe that MI5 class the Chinese (after the Russians) to be the next largest threat of espianage to this country, and they are predicted to be THE worlds superpower within a decade.


Slightly off topic...


However, I agree completely, we are interfering with shit we really shouldnt be and the best course of action has to be to starve these violent little feckers economically and let the nutters murder each other untill theres some kind of stability. THEN steal their oil, much safer! lol


well put mate :thumbs:

if evwer there was a reason in keeping trident in this unstable world,then here it is.Its kept peace and an all out war in the world for a long time now.No cost should be put on the british peoples security.Some might argue that there are no winners in a nuclear war,but id argue that id be happier dying knowing we obliterated the c**ts who did it.

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did i not read somewhere once...:the yellow race will take over the world:


or something like that!!


Heard something along them lines myself. if that's the case I'm gonna start eatin dog :laugh: long live President Hu Jintao :laugh: :laugh:

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did i not read somewhere once...:the yellow race will take over the world:


or something like that!!


its a quote from the bible

"The yellow hand will rule the earth" however the bible contradicts itself throughout.it also said the meek will inherit the earth.

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