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space saving lurcher

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Flints been an amazing dog considering the state she arrived in ffs never met kids or ctas and took to both instantly.If something is an isnt she wont touch it even the pet rabbits the kids have lmao she was really keen when the guinea pig screeched but even used to let my budgie land on her and shed give it a lift round the house lmao.Shes just one of thos dogs Storm well No chance doesnt mind the cats or the rabbits really but a bird and the terrier would nail everything bar my cats.Shes killed hamsters Flint did too but flints a very keen mouse hunter She cant resist them for some reason theyre good sport cos theres loads in the back here and she has a ball at night nailing them.Storm has decided he wants to be a space saving Lurcher too got this the other day lol.







Ive even got a terri that thinks shes an ostrich lol



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some brilliant pics...your daughter! is out for the count with a couple feet warmers :D. I am really bad ive started having tilly on the bed every night since my fiance has been away as i get cold lol. Shes really funny as the bed is up against the window which is the side i sleep on but she has to be between me and the window, a protection thing maybe? I dont know but she keeps me nice and warm

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Lol i never ever let mine on the bed or the couch either but gave up trying to stop them im sure Lurchers have sat nav for comfy furniture lol.Lynda loves it doesnt bother her she puts her feet on them and all sorts while their sleeping pmsl they still dont move.God forbid anyone went near they didnt know very very well though theyre all gret with kids cant complain there they put up with anything off kids.Couldnt ask for better hounds with the kids he loves going to meet kids from school and greet all the kids lol parents are all scared of the big lad but the kids dont bother much plus he roars LMAO Kids find it hysterical shes a very bonnie looking young lass you have she looks very well behaved im pretty sure shes gonna be a total cracker before long

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