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bird catching

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FTB I did that too with gulls only with a fish tail.... Err I mean I knew some cruel boys who did it.



I know...it's shocking.


Have you ever seen the bicarbonate soda trick?

I was always told about it but never seen it...i found it more exciting to dope them up a bit on antifreeze then hit them with a tennis racket.



(joke again for those of you who stupid)



Does that work? The old exploding bicarb' with the stomach contents?



Supposedly. But ive never seen it so wouldnt know.

Theres more than one way to skin a cat......or bird.





no it dont work.....not that ive tried it or anything :whistling:

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f**k me. Why don't you just call 999. Your an idiot mate


He may be a kid, but he's been on here 10 month so he should know we're all c**ts by now, and he does have a habit of asking some pretty daft q's without engaging his brain first, he's got to learn so

Like you FTB only heard about it, I can't see how it can work to be honest. I remember collecting eggs when I was a lad, for scientific research. Anyhow, cloaks this mistle thrush on the nest, I knew the scientists didn't have one of those eggs so I tried to shoo the bird off the nest but it wouldn't budge. Too good an opportunity to miss I started to slip my hand under her to get an egg, well...... She went mental.... Pecked f**k out My hand till I moved it and the latched on to my nose.... I was screaming like a girl trying to pull it off. Sad to say but that thrush beat the shit out of me something that I haven't admitted to this day.

Is that how you got your nickname of "Thrush"? I thought its cause your an Irritable c**t!!!................ :toast:

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Like you FTB only heard about it, I can't see how it can work to be honest. I remember collecting eggs when I was a lad, for scientific research. Anyhow, cloaks this mistle thrush on the nest, I knew the scientists didn't have one of those eggs so I tried to shoo the bird off the nest but it wouldn't budge. Too good an opportunity to miss I started to slip my hand under her to get an egg, well...... She went mental.... Pecked f**k out My hand till I moved it and the latched on to my nose.... I was screaming like a girl trying to pull it off. Sad to say but that thrush beat the shit out of me something that I haven't admitted to this day.



And that was just a mistlethrush. Imagine what happened to me when I tried that with a sea eagle.



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Pmsl that's a true story, still have the scars to prove it. Of course, everyone thinks the scars are from the time I wrestled with a badger lol



its a shame i havnt got the time just now otherwise i would tell you the story about the time i was attacted taking an egg from a pterodactly,s nest ,,but like most things on thl bet you wouldnt believe me :laugh:

Edited by riohog
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I collected eggs when i was a lad.One day i had waded out to get a coots eggs on the edge of reeds in the canal.just about near the nest then i felt myself sink a good bit.well i had stepped onto a dead dog that someone had thrown in the canal.im guessing it had been in the water for a good few months.i went straight through the middle of it and it floated up around me like a f*****g rubber ring.I will never ever ever forget the rancid smell that hit my nostrils.i had to push down on it and step out of the dog.I can honestly say i was traumatised i must have stood in the shower for about 3 f*****g hours and the smell i can say was the worst i have ever had the misfortune of smelling.

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Why only last year I trapped a female golden eagle, I kept it in the trap and used it to call males in, got 3 in total. I then raided it's nest and sold the 4 eggs to bird dealers who incubated and successfully hatched them under parakeets. I made 1500 an egg..... The adult birds I sold for 3 grand a bird.... Now, if carslberg made posts to entice antis, they'd probably be the best posts in the world....



hmmm said almost as if it was true :laugh:


the guy hasnt done anything wrong and has just mentioned something that used to happen and said that he would not in any way do it, I have seen some one on here before say that he wanted to catch rabbitts to sell them to whippet/track dog owners because he got more than the butchers and he did'nt get this much grief :blink: The anti's make so much crap up anyway it would'nt matter


You quoted my post so I'm assuming what you wrote was aimed at me. Can you Point out in my retort where I give the kid this grief you mention? I even make pains to avoid aiming the carlsberg jibe at him by mentioning post instead of thread but alas as is the norm in today's culture someone feels grieved enough about it to write a complaint. Because of folk like yourself who get outraged at fuckall, our tv is full of shite and poofs but that's another subject. As for the kids thread, I couldn't care less what he wants to divulge on an open forum, it won't make a blind bit of difference to me. My sports already banned and Im not a moderator so batter in. As for you, stop being so sensitive and stop imagining people are trying to belittle others when they aren't. Now kind sir, if you could point me in the direction of this vagabond you mention regarding selling live rabbits, id like to exchange grammatic blows with the scumbag.....




What are you on about, I spaced it into two paragraphs and the first bit was a joke about what you said and the second had nothing to do with you, the thread was i little while ago in the ferreting or keeping section i believe :thumbs:

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