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Dead Wood......


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Hi guys,


At the weekend I spent a bit of time working on the other love of my life, Yeah the S200. Dressed her in a new scope and gave her stock a new look.


To say I was chomping at the bit to get a kill nailed and christen the new look would be a tad understated, No chances were forth coming yesterday with one thing and another so by this morning my blood pressure was rising! :whistling:

I rolled in work this morning twenty minutes early, No one around no chance of a customer rolling drive, Excellent. A quick scan of the spinney revealed a lone woody sitting tight and pruning, After watching him take a huge shite onto a car whilst I was readying the game was on!


Using my roof bars as a resty post I slowly bought the cross hairs over his head, Wobble wobble my adrenalin was pumping and my breathing heavy.

Tried my best to calm my breathing took aim and squeezed one off, Phawooot followed by nothing but the sound of the birding taking off at rapid speed. I had missed!!! Completely! :wallbash:


Just then a colleague had turned up made tea, And come to console me. yeah right after a quick chat fits of laughter on his part and much back slapping.


The next chance came about 15 minutes later, A bird flew straight into the spinney, I was ready to go in a flash. Crept around the workshop and kept my breathing steady before I had even lifted the gun. Got the bird in the cross hairs. It seen me. I thought my chance was about to fly then it started to settle again, Without further ado I aimed and phowaht Whack! Head shot followed by a triumphant squeal by me :boogie:.


The shot was clinical the bird twitched and had a little flap as the pellet went through and through, It was very dead though.


It is now in the fridge for tomorrows dinner. Please enjoy the pics.







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Well done on the christening, very nice kill.


Woody IMHO is one of the finest of meats :toast:


Could not agree more mate, Hate new gear always feels tarnished by newish and the terrible jinx that comes with it.


All in my mind of course but feel better when it's broke in.



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Nice shot carpman :thumbs:


I am working at an undisclosed powerstation at the moment, the aproach road is crawling with squizzers and rabbits and the trees full of woodies, what a tease, security and cameras everywhere and not a chance of getting permission :thumbsdown:


Bet you allways have your eye out that window at work :laugh:


Well done and enjoy :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.

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Nice shot carpman :thumbs:


I am working at an undisclosed powerstation at the moment, the aproach road is crawling with squizzers and rabbits and the trees full of woodies, what a tease, security and cameras everywhere and not a chance of getting permission :thumbsdown:


Bet you allways have your eye out that window at work :laugh:


Well done and enjoy :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.


Haha yeah I do mate, I have to be very discreet and am very careful as not to lose my permission.



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you sure ruined his day lol. nice shooting mate


lol ya mate, hows the pup? Shawns a lazy tw£t lol



pup is great,he caught a rabbit last night,which he later dropped! never the less we both were chuffed to bits.but he is also a lazy git,if he aint stealing things,fighting my other dog or out with me hes sleeping!

hes doin great tho.

hope shawns doin well?

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you sure ruined his day lol. nice shooting mate


lol ya mate, hows the pup? Shawns a lazy tw£t lol



pup is great,he caught a rabbit last night,which he later dropped! never the less we both were chuffed to bits.but he is also a lazy git,if he aint stealing things,fighting my other dog or out with me hes sleeping!

hes doin great tho.

hope shawns doin well?


yeah mate he's doing great, been ferreting a couple of times and lamping a couple. He is a thieving sod also lol, getting fast now though. Ha d a few good runs.


Loves it when I come home with me game bag he gets to rag the carcass lol :victory:



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you sure ruined his day lol. nice shooting mate


lol ya mate, hows the pup? Shawns a lazy tw£t lol



pup is great,he caught a rabbit last night,which he later dropped! never the less we both were chuffed to bits.but he is also a lazy git,if he aint stealing things,fighting my other dog or out with me hes sleeping!

hes doin great tho.

hope shawns doin well?


yeah mate he's doing great, been ferreting a couple of times and lamping a couple. He is a thieving sod also lol, getting fast now though. Ha d a few good runs.


Loves it when I come home with me game bag he gets to rag the carcass lol :victory:



thats good mate.wel have to get some upto date photos of them both on here

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