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Hi lads how are you all?

Im sorry as im sure this question has been asked a thousand times over!,ive been reading up and looking at reloading for the last few days and it really caught my eye.Im soon applying for my fac and would want to reload my own ammo.

The calibers im most likely to want are .17HMR and .204

My questions are,

What equipment would i need? ive looked a touch into machines and the progressive machines have taken my eye,i had a look at the dillon machines but these seem a tad expensive.

For all the equiptment i will have about 300 possibly 400 depending.

Im not to worried about working out grains etc. at the moment im more interested in what equipment im going to need .

I will add questions as i think of them!

thank you for taking the time to read! :thumbs:


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hi brad , £300 to £400 thats just for the powder scales. lol. :o have a look at r c b s charge master , the dogs bo----ks in scales.

thursday might be on the cards if weather ok ,let you now tom , .

chat about reloading then .



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  On 22/02/2011 at 19:46, DERBOY said:

hi brad , £300 to £400 thats just for the powder scales. lol. :o have a look at r c b s charge master , the dogs bo----ks in scales.

thursday might be on the cards if weather ok ,let you now tom , .

chat about reloading then .



jeeeeeus christ haha :blink::doh: think ive got a good few grand to save lmfao ill take a look at that charge master :)

okay mate thursday is fine :thumbs: have a chat then:)


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Cost wise, it all depends on what you want. I guess my set up is close to a grand or more but I've been reloading for a while and have amassed a lot of kit. If you want to simply "give it ago", a Lee kit is okay but you will need to change the scale. If your sold on the idea of reloading go for one of the cheap RCBS kits to get you started.

To be honest, I started reloading from the word go. I was in college at the time of purchasing my first center fire rifle. Litt's as it was known then, gave me 80 rounds of factory to start me off, after enquiring how much a box of ammo was I thought that I had made one hell of a mistake getting in to centre fire rifles as I was only just managing to put petrol in the car, never mind buying expensive ammo. As luck would have it, some chap in the 'free-adds' was selling a complete reloading kit, so I called him up and he posted it (all done before the days of Internet selling). I've still got most of the kit, but have added to it. So I guess since owning center fire rifles, I have only ever had 80 rounds of factory ammo. I don't really differentiate between shooting and reloading anymore, to me if I want ammo I have to make it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that reloading seems a big step with a big investment but if you plan to shoot center fire for any length of time, it's worth investing in some good reloading kit. If your not really someone who sticks at a hobby or someone who doesn't shoot much, then there is little point in spending the dosh, you would be better off just buying ammo.



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thanks for the advice john :thumbs: im just applying for my sgc at the moment and getting practice in with that and shooting fac with derboy. I will probably apply for my fac towards the end of the year, and will deffinately get into reloading myself!

many thanks


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  On 22/02/2011 at 16:16, lampingboy said:

Hi lads how are you all?

Im sorry as im sure this question has been asked a thousand times over!,ive been reading up and looking at reloading for the last few days and it really caught my eye.Im soon applying for my fac and would want to reload my own ammo.

The calibers im most likely to want are .17HMR and .204

My questions are,

What equipment would i need? ive looked a touch into machines and the progressive machines have taken my eye,i had a look at the dillon machines but these seem a tad expensive.

For all the equiptment i will have about 300 possibly 400 depending.

Im not to worried about working out grains etc. at the moment im more interested in what equipment im going to need .

I will add questions as i think of them!

thank you for taking the time to read! :thumbs:


Hi, start at the 'start' you can't reload 17HMR, it's a rimfire and £15 for 50, no reloads so forget that!

As to the .204, well it really doesn't matter what the centrefire calibre is, you still need the same tools

That's a press, a reprimer tool, a set of dies and a drawer full of 'stuff', and to help costs along you will

need cases, powder, bullets and primers, lets guess at the least cost for all this, £300 should cover it!

So you see you can buy 300 factory rounds before you start to break even, so it's up to you?

The issue here is twofold, how much ammo do you 'really' use, and are you a DIY success or a Disaster?

You decide, if changing an electrical plug or your car won't start requires a call to an 'expert' stick to

factory ammo, if not go for it.


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ive now learned shot sizes etc. but the chokes are kind of confusing lmao ,im an apprentice body repair technician ,rebuild my own bikes and engines etc. from a young age so im the sort who can do stuff myself as the last thing i like to do is get somebody else to do the job and then have to pay them :wallbash: ,i also partially understand what i will need for reloading now,such as dies bullets primers powder press and all that,there are actually a few helpfull videos on youtube,i will add some links when i find them again :) lol ,as said,im concentrating on shotguns at the moment and leaving the fac untill ive got all the sg gear and stuff as you know if you want good gear it can be expensive lol. I will look alot more into reloading when im closer to applying!

cheers lads!


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haha tell me about it mate ,not enough money in my pocket lol ,im out on every opourtunity with derboy now rifles or shotguns and i must say im feeling really confident with the rem 700 .204 .He setup 4 water filled milk cartons at around 100 yards and i had 4 out of 4 which i was proud of as that was only the second time ive used the gun in daylight :)


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