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Shotgun Patterning / Advice Please

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Hi all.


As the title states i was wondering if somebody could advise me on the correct method to pattern a shotgun.


The reason i want to know is that i have recently bought a couple of extended choke tubes for my Winchester SX3 12g and i am curious how the patterns may or may not differ from the factory fitted flush ones.


What distance should i shoot from and how large should the patterning target be. Also , should i aim at the Centre of the target or just beneath , as you would with a rifle with open sights ,


Regards ,


John :unsure:

Edited by mjr88
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hi john , not quiet sure on distance but its not far of about 15yds 20yds away , the starget can be a 1 meter square or bigger as ;long its big enough to take the pattern. bigger is better though .get same old paint(NOT GLOSS) and add same water to dilute it as a white wash,and paint the steel plate with it , so when you shoot you should be able to see pattern ,. the method to use is to stand at the desierd distance and bring the gun to shoulder as in normal shooting postion and pull triger . this will give you the pattern of cardrige and whether the gun needs to be alterd to shoot were you aim .its been along time since idone this so i hope this helps , :thumbs:



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